So since the last update (about 10 days ago) we lost Avery’s
hearing aids twice. If only I got a $1 every time we lose them. We lost them last Monday and then last Thursday, Avery walks
up and hands them to me. I was like “what the heck, where have they been for 4
days?” Avery doesn’t talk so she couldn’t tell me where she found them. Tim and
I searched EVERYWHERE for them.
Then a few days ago I was driving Avery home from Tim’s
parents and I saw her in the rearview mirror pulling out her hearing aids. When
we got home, I completely forgot that she did that. It wasn’t until later that
night that I remember and we went searching for them in my car. Tim found one
but we couldn’t find the other until yesterday. It was lodged in between the
car door and seat. I don’t know how she managed to get it stuck in there. I am
scared to have her put them in, only to lose them but what good are they doing
sitting on her dresser?
My cousin, her husband and two boys (ages 5 and almost 2)
came to visit from Nebraska last week. I haven’t seen her since my wedding
which was almost 7 years ago. It was great to see them and Avery played very
nicely with their boys. Eddie and Max on the other hand, didn’t get along so
well but they managed for 5 days. I think Leigh (my cousin) and Janet deserve a
few days away from kids for dealing with that 5 straight days.
While they were here we went to the zoo and the rainforest.
Avery still doesn't do well at the rainforest. She will not walk (even while
holding our hand) and always wants out of the stroller and to be held. She is
getting heavier and I am a wimp so it doesn't work out well for either of us.
She seems like she is trying to talk more. Today, she brought a bag of chips up to Tim and said Eeeeeeee. Thats her word for eat.
The March of Dimes walk is this Saturday. I can't believe its here already. I am hoping the weather will be nice and that we can actually bring Avery to it. I think she would like to see all the kids there. If anyone wants to donate, there is still time!
Click HERE to donate to Tim's fundraising page.
Thank you to everyone who donated so far!
So I finally went and got another tattoo. I have been thinking about doing this for a year now. I really wanted to get something in honor of Avery but I still haven't found quite the perfect one yet. I ended up getting a small dragonfly on my wrist. I really debated if I should get it there or not because of it not being so professional but there are people who work at Cleveland Clinic that have visible tattoos so I went with it. It is so small that it could be covered up with a watch. My hopes and dreams of working at Disney World again someday are now crushed since they don't hire anyone with visible tattoos. Even though it is not directly related to Avery, I still think of her every time I look at my wrist.

She seems like she is trying to talk more. Today, she brought a bag of chips up to Tim and said Eeeeeeee. Thats her word for eat.
The March of Dimes walk is this Saturday. I can't believe its here already. I am hoping the weather will be nice and that we can actually bring Avery to it. I think she would like to see all the kids there. If anyone wants to donate, there is still time!
Click HERE to donate to Tim's fundraising page.
Thank you to everyone who donated so far!
So I finally went and got another tattoo. I have been thinking about doing this for a year now. I really wanted to get something in honor of Avery but I still haven't found quite the perfect one yet. I ended up getting a small dragonfly on my wrist. I really debated if I should get it there or not because of it not being so professional but there are people who work at Cleveland Clinic that have visible tattoos so I went with it. It is so small that it could be covered up with a watch. My hopes and dreams of working at Disney World again someday are now crushed since they don't hire anyone with visible tattoos. Even though it is not directly related to Avery, I still think of her every time I look at my wrist.
Come here Kaitlin, let me tickle you with a cat toy!
I love hanging out with Kaitlin!
Let's see if Milo likes to be tickled
Man, its a jammie party. Looks like I didn't get the memo.
I look so little sitting next to Daddy
Going for a walk
At the zoo...see, I am being carried because I refuse to walk anywhere
Riding the carousel and the zoo. Don't I look thrilled?
Big cheeky smile! I was trying to catch bubbles though you can't see any in the picture.
Playing the drums. I did pretty good, so good that I can hold two drum sticks in one hand.
Grandma and I at Kaitlin and Eddie's birthday party
Here is mommy's cousin Leigh, her son Milo, Kaitlin, Eddie and Aunt Janet. Max didn't want to go for a walk with us
All of us waiting in line for the train at the zoo
On the train
Goats are fun!
A pic of all of us on the couch. Max and Eddie behaved long enough to take this picture.
Capris and sandals!
This is where I will be spending all of my time this summer..using my water table! I love it!
Eating at Melt in Independence. I had a carmelized banana! Yum!
Playing with Milo
Going for a ride with my new friend, Milo
I went with Mommy to get her tattoo! I watched her the whole time she was getting it. She said she liked having me there because she thought about all the pain I have been through so it made her tattoo seem like nothing....well almost nothing. She said it hurt but she watched me during a lot of it so I helped.
Here is the finished product. Mommy showed me that if she puts a hairband on her wrist, you can't even tell there is a tattoo there.
See, you can hardly tell. A watch band is thicker and would cover it completely.
I got my April Citrus Lane box and in it was this cool flower stacker. You can stack leaves, flowers, etc. I played with this thing for hours.
I am excited to go for a walk with the dogs. Can't you tell?
This is the Hillcrest March of Dimes shirt for this year. The shirt is true, I am a miracle baby and I wouldn't be here today without the help of Hillcrest and March of Dimes!