Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the March of Dimes March for Babies, either by walking with us or donating money. We really appreciate it. Thank you to Terri, Greg and Lauren for walking with us. It rained in the morning and was a little too cold to bring Avery. Maybe next year! (That’s what I say every year but it always ends up being too cold!)
We hope you had a great Mother’s day! Avery made me some very cute items at school and daycare for me. When I took them out of her bookbag, she was so proud of them. It was so cute. And one of the items includes her school picture and we all know how awesome that picture is.
Tim had to work Saturday so Avery and I visited my mom along with my sister and her family. We took our annual picture with my mom.
Tim had to take his Mom’s gift over on Sunday when she was away to surprise her when she got back. Avery and I didn’t get a chance to see her and take our annual Mother’s Day pic yet. Hopefully we will get over there sometime this week and take one.
I don’t think I mentioned this yet but around the week of April 18 we ended up getting 7 (yes mom, only knew about 6) more chickens. We had to wait until after we got back from Disney World because the chicks have to stay inside under a heat lamp for 8 weeks until they are fully feathered. We now have a total of 10. We got 3 gold laced wyandottes chicks from a nursery in North Royalton. These chicks will eventually lay brown eggs. Tim wanted Easter Eggers which lay blue/green eggs so I received a text one day when I was at work that said “don’t kill me but I ordered 3 more chickens through the mail and they should be here in a few days”. Tim is turning into the crazy chicken guy and you thought I was going to be the crazy one! So we ended up getting those shipped to us a few days later.
Then that next week, our neighbor told us that he had a hen and rooster. He ended up eating the rooster but didn’t want to eat the hen because she was too small so we decided to rescue her. I am not sure how old she is but she looks like she should be laying eggs soon. Since she is fully feathered, we put her in the coop, separated from the other chickens. She ended up somehow knocking over the fence we had separating her so she is now integrated with the rest of the flock. She was very timid and scared at first. She would stay far away from the other chickens and was scared of humans. She is getting little less scared of us and the rest of the birds but she is definitely at the bottom of the pecking order. She is finally starting to eat treats that we give her.
Lounging on our new hammock. Not sure I could get any pastier
Mommy and one of our new chicks. I am scared of them because I know they grow up to be big chickens
These are the chicks daddy ordered in the mail
Here are all of the chicks at a few days old
Just sitting around on the toilet holding Lily
Making Cinnamon Streusel bread
Mommy left me alone for 5 minutes and I managed to get glue AND glitter in my hair
Look what I made mommy for Mother's Day. I decorated this little keychain and decorated this flower with my school picture in it.
I made her a handprint flower bouquet at daycare
It was Grandma S's birthday a few weeks ago. I got to see Kassidy, Michael and Makinsley too
I finally got my class picture. They forgot to include it with my order so mommy called and we got one in the mail. Mommy said the names of kids in my class and I pointed to all of them.

Here's a close up..I am the cute one sitting in the blue chair
See, I told you they get big. They are already much bigger.
Celebrating Mother's Day with Grandma B
I got a cape from the March of Dimes that says "Proof Miracles do happen". Chewie wanted to try it on.

Lauren, Greg, Terri, Tim and I
This is the Hillcrest Hospital team photo. This photo was taken by Jackie Ludwig. She is a nicu nurse at Hillcrest Hospital, where I spent the first 132 days of my life. She also participated in the March of Dimes parent support meetings that Mommy and Daddy went to. She has twins that were also in the nicu when they were born so she talked about her experience. She is an awesome photographer at