March of Dimes helped us so much when each of our daughters were born early. They have weekly family support meetings where each family gets to talk about their experience. Tim and I didn't talk much at the meetings but I really feel like hearing everyone's story helped us and made us feel like part of a club..a club that nobody wishes on their worst enemy but it helped us to know that people understood our situation. I don't think you really understand how difficult it is until you are in the same type of situation.
March of Dimes actually helped develop surfactant therapy. Most preemie lungs don't develop enough surfactant (a protein that keeps small air sacs in the lungs from collapsing) and then are in respiratory distress when born. Because of March of Dimes, when my membranes ruptured with Reagan at 32 weeks, I was able to get shots that helped out her lungs greatly. She didn't even need any oxygen throughout her nicu stay. We weren't as lucky with Avery because she came so unexpectedly at 25 weeks. When she was born, she was on a ventilator for two weeks and then every kind of breathing machine you can imagine. She was on a ventilator, oscillator, cpap and everything in between.
I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. I have raised $440 which is amazing because my initial goal was $200. I am really hoping to bring the kids to the walk this year. I have never brought them because it seems every year it is cold, rainy, or cold and rainy. I'm not sure why they have it at the end of April (with unpredictable Cleveland weather) when they are dealing with a bunch of immuno-compromised preemies. If the weather is good, Tim, the girls and Tim's sister Terri will do the walk with me. If the weather is bad, Tim will stay home with the girls and Terri and I will do the walk. Thanks Terri!! We really appreciate it!
If you want to find out more about my fundraising and team, please click HERE
Avery was born at 25 weeks 6 days
1 lbs 8oz 12.5 inches long
(due to placenta abruption)
Reagan was born (after 3 weeks of hospital bed rest and 2 weeks of home bed rest) and PPROM (Preterm premature rupture of the membranes) at 32 weeks 1 day
3 lbs 11 oz and 18inches long (a great length for a 32 weeker!)
I bought this shirt because it describes everything perfectly....
Here are some of my favorite Avery pics from the nicu:
the day she was born
These are from two weeks after Avery's birth

Not sure how she felt this was comfortable
Throwing up gang signs at 2 weeks old
After a few weeks old, she is still this small
Peek - a - boo
a few weeks after being born...kangarooing
First time she wore clothes...they matched her hair
Our baby shower after we already gave birth to Avery
Some pics from Reagan's birth and time in the nicu. Some of my favorite pics...She was always super smiley. She loved to smile
First time Avery met her little sister. She actually blew Reagan a kiss and Reagan looked like she blew her a kiss back. Click the You Tube lvideo link, its so cute!!!:
This was my abosulte favorite photo while Reagan was in the nicu. Avery was so excited to hold her. She loved it. And she is an amazing big sister still today
We hated her apnea monitor but were excited to bring her home. If it meant on an apnea monitor, we were ok with that
Avery loved her sister so much and still does...