We have had a lot of exciting things happen since the last
Tim was working one day and his stomach was killing him. He
was throwing up and went to the ER. The ER he went to wasn’t attached to a
hospital so he had to get transferred to Fairview. He ended up having
emergency surgery that night for a bowel obstruction. Back in 2006 he had
hernia surgery and they used mesh. Fast forward 13 years and the scar tissue
from the surgery caused a bowel obstruction. Luckily they caught it in time and
they were able to do it laparoscopically. It basically looked like someone
stabbed Tim in the stomach 4 times. He was on a liquid diet for a few days and
was able to come home 3 days after the surgery. He wasn’t able to lift anything
heavier than a gallon of milk for 2 weeks so I had to take the kids to daycare
every morning. Let me just say, it made me appreciate Tim that much more
because getting the kids ready in the morning is ROUGH. Avery DOES NOT want to
get up, ever…except on the weekends of course.
I looked down the one day and noticed that Joe kept licking
his foot. I looked closer and he had broken his nail right in half somehow,
down to the quick. I knew it was painful so I took him to the vet. They ended
up putting him under anesthesia, taking a xray to make sure the bone wasn’t infected,
cleaned it up really well and then put him on an antibiotic and pain med. He
did end up braking his nail all the way down to the toe bone. He was supposed
to wear a big, plastic e-collar too. He wore it for a few days and then somehow
(I think on purpose) managed to crack a huge part of the collar off. It was
very sharp so he lucked out and didn’t have to wear the collar anymore. Tim was
home recovering from surgery so he could yell at Joe if he started licking his
paw. While at the vet, they suggested pet insurance for Joe. Between this and
him needing staples/stitches 3 times this past summer, it probably would have
paid for itself. We are still considering it since Joe is only two and he has
had quite a few injuries already.
Avery has been complaining of her eyes hurting so I made an
eye doctor appointment. I asked Avery if she needed glasses and she said yes.
Sure enough, she needs glasses. The doctor dilated and examined her eyes and performed
some tests. He said she is a little far sighted and that she has astigmatism in
both eyes so she does need glasses. Her prescription isn’t too strong at
+1.25. The whole family went with Avery
to pick out some glasses. When we first got there, Avery was being, well Avery
and refused to try any on. She then tried on a pair that were really big but
she said she liked them. She ended up getting that pair and a smaller pair. I
paid the extra $30 for the company to replace each pair in the first year, no
questions asked.
I am sure this equation will come into play at some point…. Joe+Buddy = eaten glasses
Reagan has been using the potty pretty often so daycare recommended
we bring in underwear and extra pants for her this week. She has even pooped on
the potty a few times at home. Reagan is starting to become Little Miss
Independent, like Avery was/is, having to do everything herself.
This is how Reagan eats suckers

Reagan has been getting scared lately and sleeps in Mommy's bed. Mommy looked over and she had her hand around Buddy. It was very cute. When Mommy asks Reagan what she is scared of, she always says the Minnie Mouse pillow. lol. It used to be in her room but now they are both in my room and she is still scared.
Reagan and snapchat
Medes normally sleeps in Reagan's crib but she wanted to sleep in my bed this night (and on my hair)
Poor Joe's toe was injured. I was giving him a hug to make him feel better. He didn't keep my sock on for very long
Joe's nail broke in half
Everyone at the vet loves JoeJoe. They just kept saying what a good boy he was and he would lay down and want belly rubs.
Joe had to wear a bag on his foot when he went outside...yeah. that last about two days.
This is how Reagan eats suckers
It says "If I had $100, i would buy 10 LOL houses"....lol
I am obsessed with LOL dolls right now
I am obsessed with LOL dolls right now
Happy Valentines Day!
Reagan has been getting scared lately and sleeps in Mommy's bed. Mommy looked over and she had her hand around Buddy. It was very cute. When Mommy asks Reagan what she is scared of, she always says the Minnie Mouse pillow. lol. It used to be in her room but now they are both in my room and she is still scared.
Reagan also likes to make a scarf out of toilet paper when she is pottying.
Thanks for the Valentine's Day treats Aunt Lauren and Uncle Greg!!
Reagan...you cant really see but Reagan is not wearing any pants. She hardly ever wears pants!
I really wanted to get these glasses even though they were huge
Reagan tried on a bunch of glasses. She will eventually need surgery to correct her lazy eye.
Me and Momma
Reagan and Momma
Reagan actually wearing pants!
Reagan and I sending a good night message to Daddy. In the background, you can see the Minnie Mouse pillow that Reagan is scared of