We hope you all had a good Father’s Day. I tried to get the
kids to hold up letters that say “We love Dad” and then make a collage. They
were fighting over which letters they got to hold so the picture below is the
best we got and they both decided to hold the heart. I of course had to
threaten them with no computer if they didn’t stand there and smile. Whatever
works, right?
We also hope you had a great 4th of July. The day before, we went to see fireworks in
Independence. We got there a few hours early so the kids could play with their
cousins. By the time the fireworks started, Reagan was ready to go home. She wasn’t
a fan of the noise either. The next morning, Avery and I went to the Parma
parade. Tim and Reagan decided to sleep in. We got there about 35 minutes early
and it was soooo hot. She kept hiding her head in a reusable bag. I thought I
was going to get arrested for child endangering. The parade started and a fire truck
drove by and rang the sirens and beeped their horn and Avery complained it was
too loud. Even though all of the participants threw out tons of candy, we only
lasted like 10 minutes and Avery wanted to leave. It was very hot and I didn’t put
sunscreen on her so we left. Later that day we went to a cookout at Tim’s
parents and then went to the annual party at my sister’s house. We missed it
last year because we were on vacation in Michigan. We didn’t stay long. It was
hot and we were kind of beat so we left.
Tim’s friend was moving out of state and they gave us their
pool so now the kids love to go swimming almost every day. It took a few days
to fill it. I can’t wait to see what our water bill is going to be. Both kids
can touch the bottom of the pool, but we had a close call with Reagan the one
day. I believe her foot slipped and she went under and had trouble getting her
head above the water again. I had to jump in and pull her out of the water. It
was definitely scary and I was happy we were watching them closely. I can’t
imagine what would have happened if I turned away, even for a minute. She now
knows she has to wear her puddle jumper every time she goes in the pool.
We ended up getting rid of our rooster, Frank the Tank. I
liked him, I just didn’t like him attacking all of us every time we entered the
coop. We listed him on craigslist and someone wanted him. They said they wanted
a mean rooster to protect their flock. I feel bad because he is the first pet I
have ever given away. I have had issues with pets before but I have never given
one away before. I hope he is actually having a good time and that he didn’t
become someone’s dinner.
We had quite a few chicks hatch recently. One hen takes care
of 6 babies and two other hens take care of 4 additional chicks. That is in
addition to the 4 that we hatched around Easter and two additional ones that
hatched about 5 weeks ago (one of which that Avery named Eddie). We know there
are at least two roosters in the batch that hatched around Easter. Tater and
Cheeseburger are roosters. I am scared to know how many of the babies are
roosters too. I wouldn’t care about keeping all the roosters as long as they don’t
fight each other or try attacking us. We had three additional babies that ended
up dying…either they were pecked at/trampled or something may have been wrong
with them and they died. We don’t really know for sure what happened.
I finally got a new laptop 2 months ago and just took it out
of the box last week. I am having issues with it recognizing my cell phone when
I plug it in. I know I have to download iOS drivers but so far its not working.
That is one of the reasons why its taken me so long to update this blog. The
other reason is that we seem to be so busy even though we haven’t even started
the kitchen remodeling yet.
I was yelling at Reagan in this picture to not eat the Cheerios. Those were to feed the animals!
at the farm
RayRay and I loved to feed the ducks the best
Reagan is my best friend!
We made this for Daddy at daycare
Here are the pics Momma took of us
Watching fireworks with Daddy
Sparklers! Reagan was braver than I was. I didn't hold any sparklers
fooling around
Yum snow cones!
Buddy is so cute in this pic
Joe is a big boy and could jump over this fence if he really wanted to. He has already figured out how to get out of the backyard like 3 different ways.
Goodbye Frank the Tank
A hen and her babies
More babies

One of those under the hen is Eddie
How cute!

they are so cute!
Some of our flock. We have too many and are going to give some chickens to our friend
We are ready to swim!
Snapchat fun
This is going to be the new picture mommy is going to paint
Now Reagan doesnt like to wear shirts. Maybe some day she will wear an entire outfit
We got matching bathing suits.
Swimming with my cousins and Reagan
Aunt Laura, Medes loves to sleep with (or on) Reagan
Reading some books, Reagan is hiding behind me.
Happy Birthday Grandma B!

We finally got a pic of all the cousins! Too bad Reagan's eye is messed up. She is going to the eye doctor in October to discuss surgery for her lazy eye.

Throwback to when my hair matched my underwear! And a pic of Chewie because he is so cute