What have we been up to the past month: Bubbles, tie dying shirts, bought a snow cone maker (best $20 I ever spent at Target. Love it!), playing games, putting together puzzles, making forts, sleeping in, trying to get organized around the house, watching way too many episodes of Ryan's Toy Review, cooking and baking, hearing Avery talk about wanting to go swimming or her new thing is gymnastics, having sleep overs in each other's rooms...overall just taking it one day at a time, even though it seems like the Ground hog day movie because everyday seems the same.
Have any of you bought anything super crazy while being in quarantine? No, just me? I would say the craziest thing I bought (but still have yet to receive, is the below...lol.)
Its actually a doll bed from IKEA but I saw people using them as beds/ bunk beds for their cats so you know I had to get them. Hopefully our cats will like it. If not, the kids can use them as doll beds.
:Last Friday was the end of the school year for Avery. I am so sad it ended with being at home. She loves her teachers and she really needs that in person interaction. Homeschooling wasn't beneficial for her. Not that the teachers didn't do a good job. They were awesome and very helpful along the way. The issue was more on my end (working from home full time while trying to home school) and on her end (lack of motivation). I really hope school in the fall is back to normal.
We started making a list of cute things that Reagan says incorrectly. I am going to list them here so I can look back at them over the years.
Pock-a-sill Popsicle
Navilla Vanilla
Dingbell Doorbell
Sunscream Sunscreen
We hope you had a great Mother's Day!
Fun with Bubbles
How does Mommy have room to sleep in that bed?!?
Sleepover time with Ray Ray
I want to do gymnastics. I keep telling Mommy and Daddy
Tie dying shirts

Look at how they turned out!
Reagan modeling her shirt in her sleep
Making snow cones. YUM!

Trying to put these cupcake liners in the pan. I had two dogs inspecting me while i did it. There is Reagan in the background photobombing my pic in her undies of course
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa B
I put makeup on myself and Lily. You can see the blush on her cheeks (well really the side of her head)
My annual thank you pic for my teachers this year
Thank you pic from 2018-2019 (Kindergarten)
Thank you pic from 2017-2018 (Preschool)
Daddy made us a fort

She is so cute and loves to pick flowers (weeds)
Sometimes when we don't know where Reagan is, we have to look under all of the blankets. She will fall asleep anywhere under a blanket.
Momma and Ray
Eating popcorn at Grandma and Grandpas house
Practicing our social distancing and mask wearing

Mother's Day pic from last year and pic from this year. It looks just a little different with masks on. I look the same, still didn't want to look at the camera
If anyone needs their makeup done, I am available.
Mommy walked past Reagan's room one day and saw this... lol. She is sitting on the potty with a blanket on her head.
More flowers (weeds)
sleeping in Momma's bed. The two dogs joined later as well.
Speaking of dog....Joe tried to make friends with this in our backyard.
Mommy is waiting to put up our bigger pool until we get a fence around the patio so the dogs can't destroy the pool. In the meantime, this was all they had at the store. Everyone is sold out of pools. (We had a bigger blow up one last year but mice at holes in it when it was stored in the garage)
Sparkler fun in our jammies
My last day of first grade!
1st day of school vs. last day of school
Thank you Mrs F for the game!!
We are getting too heavy for mommy to pick us both up at once. I still only weigh 35 lbs and Reagan weighs 32.