Avery started 3rd grade this year. 3rd grade! Avery also turned 9 on August 30! It seems like yesterday that my coworker was driving me from Medina to Mayfield Hts while I was in labor and didn't know it. Poor Tim missed the whole thing because I didn't know I was actually in labor.
We decided to get part of our driveway paved so the kids can actually ride their bikes. Tim also bought them a basketball hoop.
Towards the end of September, I was feeling sick. I didnt think much of it because I received my two covid vaccines. But then it lasted a few days so I went and got tested for covid. The next day I found out I had it. Tim was feeling sick and he got tested and the next day we found out he had it. He is also fully vaccinated. Then the kids got tested. Reagan's test came back positive but some how Avery's was negative. We kept her home from school because we figured she would eventually get it. The next week she started acting sick so we got her tested and it came back positive. More quarantining for everyone! Tim and I felt like we got hit by a truck. Luckily we didnt fully lose our sense of taste or smell, it was just a little different than normal. The kids pretty much just had a fever and were laying around more. I was worried if they would get it that their breathing would become really bad. Luckily that didn't happen. Tim's family was nice and would get dinners delivered to our house. We also got groceries delivered.
Reagan turned 5 on Oct 15. I can't believe my baby is 5! Where has the time gone? We got Reagan a cake but we all still weren't feeling great so we never even ate a piece.
After 5 years of living here, we have FINALLY started demo on our garage/kitchen/living room. We are taking over half of the garage to expand the kitchen. We are knocking down the wall from the kitchen to the garage and also the kitchen to the living room. We want an open concept to be able to stand in our kitchen and see what's going on in the living room. Tim moved the sink, stove, microwave and dishwasher to Reagan's room. I am lucky that he is so handy and knows how to hook everything up so we have a full working kitchen in Reagan's room. We ended up finally getting rid of Avery's toddler bed and moved the bunk beds into Avery's room. Surprisingly, the kids have been sleeping in their bunk beds and not in my bed or the living room. We are living in a construction zone but its all going to be worth it in the end.
And now for a million pictures...
Swimming in my pool!
Going to see the Paw Patrol movie
Bunk Beds
Reagan climbing the big stone pile for the new driveway
Reagan got dressed up to go to Target
Joe took Reagan's spot!
Swimming with Kaitlin and Eddie
Reagan was collecting all of the leaves in the pool
Medes thinks Reagan makes a good pillow
Riding our bikes on our new driveway!
My first day of 3rd grade
Happy Birthday to me!
Reagan loves to draw...that is a picture of Daddy with a heart

Chickens are ready for bed
Thank you for my new bathing suit Kins!
Medes loves her cat bed
Me and Momma
Reagan is nuts!
Reagan wanted her picture taken
Daddy and Ray
Us and Mommy
Mommy and Ray
Oh Buddy
I received this from my class when I came back from having covid! 💓
Reagan and I love to sleep on the couch
This is my school picture this year. Look how nice I smiled..lol
It looks exactly the same as last years picture, except this year I have chocolate under my lip. :)
Reagan wanted to sleep in the laundry basket
Reagan said she drew a momma llama and baby llama. She said the momma llama is Mommy. Then she asked Mommy how to spell Cow...LOL
Lilly was sleeping with me!
Reagan fell the other day and hit her face on the floor. She now has a big bruise on her face.
She is so cute!

We are ready to go Trick or Treating. We also went to a Halloween event at the high school.
Happy Birthday Reagan!
More Halloween fun
Mommy and Daddy
Joe Joe laying with Reagan
Thanks Kins for the vest!
The remodeling has started on our house! Reagan's room is the new temporary kitchen. Daddy put the stove, sink, dishwasher, microwave, cabinets and countertop in Ray's room.