Pigeon Nipple
The Pigeon Nipple works by compression only. The nipple has a firm side that goes toward the roof of the mouth and a softer side that goes on the tongue. A small notch at the base of the nipple serves as an air vent. This notch should be uppermost under the baby's nose when feeding. Tightening the nipple and collar slows the flow of milk. Loosening it makes the flow faster. If the nipple collapses, loosen and retighten the nipple. A plastic one-way valve fits into the nipple to keep milk in the nipple. The valve should be placed with the flat side toward the tip of the nipple. When the baby begins to suck, milk flows readily. The infant controls the flow of milk and no squeezing is needed.
Avery had a little difficulty at first but caught on. I think she is going to do very well with this type of bottle/nipple. The occupational therapist was very optimistic.
Therese, the March of Dimes liaison, hooked me up with a haircut/style at Michael Christopher Salon in Highland Heights. When your child is in the NICU 100 days, they provide a manicure/pedicure or haircut for the mother. It was awesome. The place was great and I highly recommend it.
Avery's neighbors, Emme and Sabrina, are going home tomorrow. I am so excited for their parents Jen and Josh. We met them at the parent support meetings that we go to on Wednesday nights. They have been in the NICU over two months and have been through a lot. I hope Jen and I keep in touch.
Avery weighed in at 5lbs 13 oz today. She is going to be 6lbs soon!
My little toes..I have all my toes even though this picture looks like I am missing one.
I am so little in the swing.
Daddy feeding me with the new bottle today.
There she goes again, Mommy is posting another embarrassing picture of me.
It must be a trait of mother's - posting pictures of their kids while they are eating! :-) Love you mom! :-) Seriously though, this is such wonderful news that she is starting to catch on...it's amazing to me that she reaches her actual due date and it seems that suddenly things start dropping into place. I know she has a way to go yet...but it is definitely encouraging seeing her suddenly eating more, sitting in a swing, being held by aunts & uncles...I'm so very happy for all of you! Love you guys!