Wednesday, July 20, 2016

We bought a house!

We hope you had a great 4th of July. We ended up going to see fireworks in Independence that Friday, attended the 4th of July parade (Avery loves parades..especially parades that throw candy out to the kids) and then we went to my sisters annual 4th of July party. All in all, it was a busy but good weekend.

Sorry for the delay in posting. We have been so busy. The big we placed on a house got accepted. We are very excited.  YAY! We officially have two mortgages..said no one ever…lol Really we wont have two mortgages until September so hopefully we will be able to list our house soon and get it sold. We have been cleaning and moving stuff in for the past week but we don’t “officially” move in until Saturday. We are trying to move a lot of the items ourselves but for big things like beds and dressers, we are hiring movers. We all know my arms at like twigs and I am a wimp and cant carry anything. Our family and friends helped us move into our current house and I think putting them through that once is enough.

 We are so excited for our new house. It’s a 4 bedroom ranch on 1.5 acres. Our current house’s lot is about .19 acres. I wish I was kidding but I’m not. We will be so excited to have more room.

 I have had a few doctors’ appointments since my last post. I have seen the high risk OB doctor twice. I started getting weekly progesterone injections which will (fingers crossed) to try prevent me from going into labor early again. The shots have a 1.5 inch needle that has to go all the way into the area above your butt cheek. Not fun, it turns getting the shot but so far it hasn't been too sore afterwards. I am also getting cervical length checks every two weeks to make sure I am not dilating.

A few weeks ago at the ultrasound, they found out I had a low lying placenta. It was 1 cm away from my cervix and they want it 2cm or more in order to be able to deliver vaginally. If the placenta is in the way when trying to deliver, it can cause too much bleeding for the mother/baby and multiple other problems. Here is a picture that describes it better. If the placenta is blocking the cervix, that is called placenta previa.

Luckily, I have gone back to the doctor a few weeks later and my placenta moved. They said everything looks good and its not as close to the cervix anymore. We had our 18-20 week anatomy scan and we are indeed having another girl. I think Avery will like having a baby sister. Everything is going well with the baby so far.

Sorry the update is so short. I just wanted to apologize for slacking and not posting in awhile. Here are some recent pics :)

Taking my puppies to the vet

Mommy saw that Lay's was having a promotion where you could get your picture on a bag of chips for free. Look at me, I'm famous!

I dropped a donut on the ground and the dogs fought for it. Poor Chewie got a deep cut near his eye :(
I decided I wanted to go outside like this...wearing gloves when it was 90 degrees outside. Also, don't mind the mess on my shirt

Happy 4th of July!

Hanging out at Aunt Janet and Uncle George's house
Swinging with Mommy. We hope we didn't blind you with our pale skin!

Shooting confetti poppers with Daddy

Mommy's belly is looking bigger. She was about 17-18 weeks here. Don't mind all the John Cena (wrestler) stuff in the background. He is Kaitlin's favorite!

Poor Chewie had to wear a cone for almost two weeks. I held his paw to make him feel better. He almost needed surgery to stitch up his cut but I think I was able to heal him with my love and affection. lol
Helping Daddy at Home Depot
Mommy got to hang out with all of her friends from high school and I got to hang out with all of their kids

Mommy and her friends from high school

I'm standing at the new house!

Mommy and Daddy with the Sold sign

My family and our new house! (Thanks Michelle Green for the picture!)

Having fun on the new lawnmower! Look at our awesome backyard!
Happy Birthday Grandma S! I look thrilled, I know..i was just waiting for cake!
This is the face I make when Mommy tells me to say Cheese!
Kaitlin reading to me

If you turn your head sideways and look towards the right, that's my sister's butt...she wasn't very shy.

There she is with her hand by her mouth
Eddie and I thought it would be fun to look like Mommy and have big bellies. There is my cheese face again.
Hanging out with my cousins at the new house
Lily isn't the best packer..she is lazy and likes to sleep a lot..kind of reminds me of Mommy :)

Having lunch with my friend at my new house

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the purchase of your home. I don't envy the two mortgages, but, you definitely have more room. You had .19 acres, that's tough, and small. More room makes a difference. I would like to thank you for sharing all those great pictures. It gives me insight to how close all of you are together. Great looking kids, and, poor Chewie!
