Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Avery's 7th Surgery

Last Thursday Avery had her 7th surgery. This was rescheduled from the end of October because Avery was sick.
Here are her past surgeries
1. G-tube
2. Cleft Palate
3. Ear tube placement
4. Ear tube removal
5. 2nd ear tube placement
6. Dental surgery

Poor Avery is averaging almost 2 surgeries a year. We didn't know what they were going to do until they put her under anesthesia, examined her and did xrays.  In the middle of the surgery, we got paged saying the doctor wanted to speak with us. She told us that they examined the bottom row of Avery's teeth and the four front ones on the bottom were decayed. She said they don't normally fill cavities in those teeth or put crowns on them because they were very decayed. She said she also needed to pull another tooth that had an abscess. They hadn't even examined her upper teeth yet. Once I heard she needed to have 5 teeth pulled, I lost it and started crying. I was so worried she would come out without any teeth left. How was she going to eat? She ended up having a total of 6 teeth pulled and 3 capped. She now only has 8 teeth left in her mouth and they are all capped.

The first night home was ROUGH! They didn't prescribe her any pain meds, just told us to alternate tylenol and motrin. We were doing that but she was still crying in pain. She would try to eat something and couldn't and it hurt so she was very frustrated. We called the resident and he told us to try giving her the whole dose of tylenol and Motrin at the same time. We did that and she finally was able to calm down. Avery has really adapted to not having those teeth. She has been eating normal things such as waffles, cheetos, etc and she isn't letting it stop her. I am so proud of her for everything she has gone through.

Avery is still loving having Reagan as a sister. She still likes to get her diapers, bibs, etc. I am enjoying it while I can because I know it isn't going to last.

Reagan has been doing well. She had her first pediatrician appointment. She was 19 inches long and 6lbs 4 oz. She is considered in the 23rd percentile for weight, 49th for length and 85th for head circumference. The girl has a big head! Also, I thought she had a really, really weird outie belly button. The doctor said she has an umbilical hernia that they never told us about in the hospital. It sticks out so much! She said she doesn't need surgery and it should correct itself.

I wanted to thank Tim's mom for watching Reagan for 10+ hours the day of Avery's surgery! I am sure it was rough watching her with her new monitor but we really appreciate it! You did awesome!

Here are a bunch of pictures!

Reagan is coming home!

Not hooked up to the monitor in the nicu anymore!

This is the apnea monitor that Reagan is hooked up to

My sister is home!

I pet my sister like a dog!

Chewie is checking out my sister

Reagan was crying so I ran over and got my chair and got a pacifier for her.

Grandma and Grandpa B..and Grandma's crazy sling

Eddie and Reagan

 Kaitlin and Reagan

Aunt Janet and Reagan

We were all looking at my baby sister

I am not going to lie, I am a really good sister!

Daddy is THE BEST!

little hands!

Reagan is sleeping in my old pack n play and sleeper

Grandpa S is holding Reagan!

Grandma S is holding Reagan!

Picture with Chewie...Take One

Mommy and Daddy say our new neighbors are so nice...they left this basket outside our garage one day..much nicer than out old neighbors!

I love checking to make sure my sister is okay

Practice run with my doll...

Reagan's first bath...just wanted to help out!

We had a sleepover! Just kidding, Reagan was only in my bed for a litte before she got upset.

I started painting a toilet paper roll for a craft will see a finished pic later. sister is in her new swing

Family pic!

This is my sister's first appointment with Dr Love

Picture with  Chewie....Shhhhh! I told Reagan he is my favorite!

Mama says this is her favorite!...even though it looks like I am biting Daddy's nose

I made a pilgrim with a crazy mouth and freckles!

Mama and Reagan

Reagan and Chewie

Tummy time....How cute are we?

Getting ready for my surgery

After my surgery,,,not feeling well..

Still not feeling well

I was feeling horrible until I got Motrin and Tylenol at the same time

Here is my sister's weird belly button. She has an umbilical hernia!

Avery ended up feeling that a PB&J sandwich was ok that night 

The reindeer is what I was coloring brown a few days ago.a reaindeer...Daddy and I also made an Olaf. 

Daddy decided to get a 9' Christmas tree and I decided it was a good idea to climb the ladder! 

I like helping my sister in the swing

All dressed up for your picture with Santa!

Lily didn't seem to mind having you sit next to her!

Mommy with the Christmas tree in the background

I went pee on the potty!  I have never gone pee on the potty at home until now! I have gone a few times at Grandma S's house but never gone anywhere else until now!

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