Saturday, June 9, 2018

So many things to update on....

I haven't really posted an update since February besides the March of Dimes Walk. Avery had dental surgery on March 22. The cap fell off one of her teeth and they ended up pulling that one and another tooth. She now only has 6 teeth left. :(

Reagan has been talking so much. She says mama, dada, joe joe (no no), dog, cat, cracker, ball, milk, baba, i love you, E-E, (what she calls Avery), Eddie, Brut Brut (my sister's dog Brutus), GoGo (chicken), fishhhhh, iccccce. I am sure there are more that I cannot think of at the moment. She has been meeting all of her milestones.

We have had an IEP meeting with Avery's teachers for next year and also had Avery's kindergarten testing. She pretty much failed everything except for drawing a picture. We knew she would and the tester didnt really understand why she had to test because she already has an IEP but we guess its just a standard process. We also got her report card. She has missed a total of 23 days of school which is A LOT. I am surprised child services isnt contacting me. She had an unexplained fever for over a week, where she was acting normal but it was still 101-102 so we couldnt send her to school. She also had two surgeries throughout the year. There are many things on her report card that she is "beginning to develop" and "developing the skill" but I think her teachers as well as Tim and I know that she has made great strides this year. She knows her colors, she can follow directions, she shares, she can balance on one foot and she can jump two feet.

She graduated preschool on June 5. We will definitely miss her teacher that she has had the last two years (Mrs. P!). She has been amazing with Avery and I am sure Avery will continure to grow. Of course Avery decided to pull an Avery and put her head down and wouldnt look up during the whole presentation but, hey, that is the Avery we know and love. She is "beginning to develop" her skill in front of large groups. She literally shuts down when she sees a bunch of people (example: a group of parents in the classroom). Hopefully she can overcome that in the next year or two.

(I apologize in advance. A lot of the following pics are very old)

Reagan decided that the dog food bowl looked like a good seat...i guess better than the water bowl

I fed Reagan one day and it was so fun.. wish I could post videos because we were laughing so hard..

I can finally blow bubbles. Joe loves to pop them

Ray-Ray wanted new sunglasses

We are the cutest

Mama and Reagan hanging out

Joe is taller than Mommy

Reagan trying to wear her patch

She is wearing my old hat!

St Patricks Day, these were the two best pics Mama could get

Happy St Patricks Day!

We went to  "Make Believe"...many months ago....


Hey Ray, I have a great idea...let's climb this ladder....

Daddy got us  Wall to Wall Plumbing hats. I think we make a good advertisement

She loves it... and Wall to Wall Plumbing

The poster child for Wall to Wall Plumbing


I colored Easter eggs one day

Reagan decided she wanted to sleep over in my room!

My shirt is so true!!

Waiting patiently for my dental surgery

My, what big feet i have... (also it ended up taking me around 4 hours to come out of surgery...I was done around 11 something and couldn't leave until around 3:45...took me a long time to come out of anesthesia and then a long time to eat/drink something)

Reagan was excited when I got home because I gave her a stuffed bunny from the hospital

We decided to make whipped cream dyed eggs... it was great but we mixed the colors too much so most were a nice variation of

Daddy thought it would be a good idea to carry Joe...Joe is wasn't a good idea

We went to the IX Indoor Amusement Park and we both got a bubble gun/machine. How Fun!

This was the first ride Reagan has ever been on...

How cute are we?? I love my sister

I also love Chew Chew...he is the best

Getting our yearly pics taken for Grandma B... it was great before we tried to take the pic... but when the real pic came, I pulled an Avery...and poor Reagan's eyes were going lazy,,,she needs to wear a patch but we haven't been good about it...

Me and my BFF Aria who was about to become a big sister...

Easter Egg hunt time!

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

Reagan put all the eggs she found into my bag...score!

Medes is the cat that gets along with Joe Joe best..but look at him, he was ready to follow her...

We were lined up, waiting for Daddy to come home one day.

Ray Ray and Joe Joe....they are both getting so big!

Reagan decided to eat a pb&j.......... on the toilet one day....

I know corn starch is good for diaper rashes... apparently my doll had a rash everywhere.....

Me and my buddy, Chewie

Mama and Joe Joe... he is getting huge..

***Next up.... Pictures from my preschool graduation. Just wanted to try to get you all caught up to what was going on the past few months***

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