Thursday, November 1, 2018

We have a Kindergartener....and adopted a new puppy!

I am WAYYY behind in posting.

A few weeks after we said goodbye to Chewie, we ended up adopting another dog from the shelter. We are crazy, I know. Joe was really depressed his best friend was gone and he is still really young (a year and a half old) so we ended up adopting a 9 month old puppy. His name is Buddy and we were told he is a shepherd/beagle mix. He is definitely nuts and makes Joe look like an angel because he tires him out since Joe was used to running around with a 9 year old dog, not a 9 month old puppy. He had a few accidents the first week or two with us but has been great since (besides chewing stuff).

We have a Kindergartener! I cannot believe it. Avery now goes to Kindergarten full-time, Monday-Friday from 9:00-3:30. She will be in a general education class  for social things like music, art, parties and talking about day of the week/weather. She will then be pulled out into small groups (2-3 kids) for subjects such as math, reading, etc. We had met with the school in the months prior and we all agreed this would be a great option for Avery. She needs the social interaction with other kids but requires greater assistance with other things.  Kindergarten has been an adjustment because she has been exhausted. She was used to only going to preschool for 2 ½ hours and getting a nap at daycare. I asked her if she likes school though and she always says yes. Also anytime we see a bus she says “yellow school bus” and points. She rides the bus to and from school.

This past month we ordered 24 new baby chicks. They were a day old when we received them.
The types of chickens we ordered were:

Buff Brahma – brown eggs

Columbian Wyandotte-brown eggs

Delaware-brown eggs

Dominique-brown eggs

Black Jersey Giant- brown eggs

 Partridge Cochin- light brown eggs

Silver Laced Wyandotte-brown eggs

White Cochin- light brown eggs

Avery turned 6 on August 30! I cannot believe we have a 6 year old. She is so sweet, funny and makes us laugh everyday. She is awesome and we love her so much!

Here is our new puppy, Buddy.

the day we brought him home

Look how excited I was!!

Reagan was excited too!

So was Momma

Hanging out with Ray and Momma

We had a surprise retirement party for Grandma! She was so surprised.

The family...of course I am hiding my face.

Daddy made Grandma a nurse hat out of paper.

Matching jammies

Reagan is playing with Medes

Fun at the Cuyahoga County Fair!

Fun with our chicken, Daisy. She is the last one left of the 3 original chickens we had. 

Fun at the North Royalton home days.

Riding in a cart at Target

Reagan is almost bigger than me!

I had so much fun at Kiddie Park when Grandma came with us!

First day of school

Riding the bus

My birthday!! I am 6!

Baby chicks

Buddy and I sleeping...he had his legs on me and then I had my legs on him :) (also, if you see in the second pic, I am sleeping in the middle and mommy is squished on the one end because Joe and Buddy are taking up the bed...Daddy was in the other room snoring)

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