Friday, May 10, 2019

Hens, Hearing aids and a Hair cut

The baby chicks are now 4 weeks old and getting big fast! I have a feeling Cheeseburger is going to be a boy because it looks like he/she is getting red wattles already and none of the others are yet. Not sure what is going to happen if we end up with a bunch of roosters. Reagan loves to play with the baby chicks, though now they are at the stage where they startle easily.

Avery kept telling us she wanted to get her hair cut so one day we decided to cut it ourselves. She wanted it around shoulder length. We cut about 7.5 inches off after her bath one day. She wanted to bring the pony tail we cut off to school to show people so she went to put it in a Ziploc bag. I told her that she couldn’t put it in a bag if it was wet. It needed to dry first so I made her put it on a paper towel on the counter and I told her that we would put it in a bag in the morning. I woke up the next morning and the ponytail was gone! I thought for sure one of the dogs ate it because one of Buddy’s favorite things to chew is Barbie heads/hair. I searched frantically before I went to work and I couldn’t find it. I texted Tim and said Avery is going to be so upset when she wakes up and the ponytail cant be found. He texted me an hour later and told me she put it under her pillow. LOL. She is nuts.  She still wears her hair in a pony tail everyday. I keep trying to talk her into wearing it down one day and letting me straighten it. We did it once in the past and it was beautiful but she always wants it up. She is the complete opposite of Reagan. Reagan’s hair is ALWAYS in her face and it drives me nuts. She only lets the teachers at daycare put her hair up. Her curls are crazy. I need to go to a hair salon and ask what I can put on them so they aren’t so wild.

The other day Tim was working in the yard with Avery and I was doing things in the house (cleaning litter boxes, dishes, etc). Reagan was playing on her iPad in her room. An hour or so later Tim came inside and asked where the dogs were. I said I thought they were outside. He thought they were inside. We went outside and called and shouted for Joe and Buddy for a half hour. Tim went back inside to get his phone and he had a missed call. The Animal Warden from North Royalton called and told us he had our dogs. Someone from down the street found our dogs and called the warden and he came and picked them up. They were at the corner of our street, about 7 houses down. I get so nervous when they escape because we live on a really busy road. I am always worried they are going to get hit by a car. We do our best to keep them in the backyard when they are outside but Joe is too smart for us. He learned how to unlatch the gate on the back fence. We have to put a lock on it that he can’t open. He also learned how to go into the garage from the door in our kitchen. We changed door knobs from a push handle to a handle you have to turn and I still think he can somehow get out that door. He also pushes the door handle on the door that’s in the garage that leads to the backyard. If he is outside in the back, we have to keep that door locked with the deadbolt and keep the garage closed in case he gets it open. He is insane.  Also in the past he figured out how to open our automatic garbage can. You wave your hand over it and the top opens. He is tall enough that he would just put his head over the sensor and open it. We had to take the batteries out so now it won’t automatically open. We have this fancy garbage can and can’t even use it to its full potential. Lol.  Anyways, thank you to the neighbor for spotting our dogs and thank you to the warden for picking them up and calling us.

We are still waiting to hear about the appeal for Avery’s new hearing aid. Avery’s school told us they could have the audiologist fit Avery for new molds for her old hearing aids. Hers no longer fit well and create a lot of feedback because they are loose.
We had to pay $84 but they saved us from having to
1. Pull Avery out of school
 2. drive downtown to Main Campus
3. Have Tim or I take off a work

so it was definitely worth the $84. They prepared Avery ahead of time by showing her videos of people getting their molds made. . She got fitted for the new molds yesterday and they said she did great. Her teacher sent me a few pics and said Avery picked out pink molds with glitter. Hopefully she will wear them! She did tell the teacher at daycare that she would. We go see the ENT next month. It was supposed to be this month but I wanted to wait until she got her new hearing aid. Since that isn’t happening anytime soon, I wanted her to get her new molds for her old hearing aids. Her ENT will determine if she is going to have surgery to have another set (this would be her 4th) of tubes placed. 

Tomorrow is the March of Dimes walk. I will post pics when I can. Thanks for the donations!

Joe and Buddy, probably coming up with a plan of how they are going to escape again.

For her birthday, Mommy wanted a Paint by Numbers of Scarlett and Chewie. She will post the finished product when she is done in about 3 years.

Ray Ray is so cute.

We love each other most of the time


The stairs Daddy built for the dogs. Soon the kitchen will be torn apart and they won't be able to get outside using the door in the kitchen/garage. 

I got my haircut! A lot!

Buddy and his huge wrinkly neck

I want to be a doctor when i grow up

I told my teacher to send this pic to Momma

Here are our new chicks. 

Getting fitted for my new molds


Ray and Grey

Daddy decided to fill the pool up in our basement. It was so fun but it made Momma nervous :)

Momma started the paint by number. Its slowly coming along. She wanted them both to be in black and white but now she is thinking she probably should have done it in color.

We had to move the chickens to their new cage outside in the garage. Daddy and I went downstairs one day and all of the chickens had jumped out of the plastic tote and were pooping all over the bathroom. It was time to move them.

Make a Wish!

1 comment:

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