Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We had a great Christmas and hope you did too.

I had the great idea of painting advent calendars that have 24 little drawers to put candy/surprises in as a countdown to Christmas for the kids. It was super cheap ($20 from Amazon) and very cute but let me just tell you what a dumb idea that was.

1.    I had to buy 48 things to put in the there
2.    I filled it up with little crappy toys that just get lost around the house
3. Trying to remember to put something in there every day was rough.

But,  all in all, it was worth it. Each day when the kids got home from daycare, they would run over to the fireplace where we had the advent calendars to see what surprise they got that day.

We are running out of funny Christmas card ideas so here is our card for this year. Everyone says how creepy it looks! We swapped our faces. The front had the creepy picture and the back had the original picture. Needless to say, Reagan was NOT a fax of Santa Claus

Front of Card

Back of Card

We got the kids a play grocery store for Christmas. I figured it would be good because it has a cash register so we can teach kids about money/counting.
I think Avery’s favorite gift she got was a basketball hoop from her Uncle Bob and Aunt Amy. She loves it. She loves basketball so much and she is great at dribbling.
Reagan got a doctor set and she looks so cute all dressed up!

We are going to the Cleft Palate Clinic on Thursday to discuss wanting to schedule Avery's surgery. Her dentist is part of the team of specialists we will see (along with ENT, Audiology, Plastic Surgery, Pediatrics, and Psych). Her dentist wants to coordinate with the surgeons to fill a few of Avery's cavities when she is under anesthesia for the cleft palate surgery. The less times we need to put Avery under anesthesia, the better. I have a feeling ENT will want to put tubes in at the same time too.

I got a glittery LOL from Grandma B
Kaitlin and Eddie came over with Grandma B. Grandpa B was sick that day

Pic with Grandma B....I wasn't thrilled of course. I normally don't like pictures

Miss Hailey did Reagan's hair really cute at daycare. If only Reagan would let Momma and Daddy do her hair.

Reagan showing off her new backpack...and her underwear. She got her undies stuck in her nightgown....lol

Happy New Year! It was an uneventful New Year's Eve. We were all asleep before midnight.

Nothing to see here!

Reagan, Buddy and Joe in bed. Don't know how Mommy does it. No room for me or Daddy...hardly any room for Mommy!

Momma and Daddy took us to Build a Bear. I wanted an Elsa Bear and Reagan wanted an Anna Bear. $122 later, we were set.

We got a dress up police officer uniform for Christmas! We recently started to like playing dress up. I am not sure if I am holding up a peace sign or number two in the pic

Reagan trying to look cool wearing her hat backwards

Momma loves Reagan's hair. Its soooooo pretty! She wishes she and Daddy could do her hair but Reagan only lets her teachers at school do it. She looks so cute in pigtails. Mommy and Daddy want to get her hair cut since she has never had a hair cut before and it is always very tangled in the morning. One day they may just have to cut it themselves because Reagan won't sit for a haircut.

She also looks so cute in my glasses. I never want to wear them anymore :(   Also, I am surprised she is wearing pants because she never does!

Buddy was snuggling with Medes the other day and it was so cute. She was putting up with him :)

Reagan had a Christmas program at daycare. She is turning into a little me. She didn't want to look at anyone and this picture tells the story perfectly. She refused to look at the audience. 

And now she is fine because there is cake!

Joe and Buddy are ready for Christmas!

We got a cool, new grocery store for Christmas!

Cheese! We are ready to open presents but Momma made us take this picture first.

I like to be the outcast in the family. I didn't want to wear matching Mickey jammie pants

Notice the Joe photo bomb in the picture!

So much stuff!

Joe and Buddy got new toys too!
Playing grocery store. Momma said I reminded her of herself when she was younger because she used to be a cashier at Giant Eagle.

I decided to do our makeup with my new makeup kit before heading over to Grandma and Grandpa Svitaks.

Dr Reagan!!

A Merry Svitak Christmas! :)

So many people and so many presents

Reagan was having fun with Uncle Greg

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