Sunday, February 23, 2014

Another trip to the ER

Tim and I went to my friend's house on Saturday night to have dinner and game night.  Avery was hanging out with Tim's parents. Tim's mom called and said Avery's gtube fell out. We rushed home, picked Avery up, grabbed the spare gtube we had and drove to Fairview Hospital. We called when we were on our way there to make sure we didn't have to go to main campus. If the gtube comes out, it's not an emergency but you do need to put it back in within a few hours or the hole will close up. 

We were seen right away. I was so surprised at how good the stoma(hole where her gtube goes in) looked. It wasn't bleeding or leaking anything. The doctor had a little trouble getting the tube in. The tube kept bending. I realized he could have made it easier had he used this thing called the "introducer". It's basically like a golf tee that goes into the tube to prevent it from bending. I was watching him try to put it in and I had to turn away because it did not look comfortable for Avery. She was so good. She cried a little when they tried pushing it in but after it was in she was smiling. Tim then said that Avery is his hero. I agree. She is awesome. Which reminds me, I still need to get a tattoo of something that reminds me of Avery. 

After they put the gtube in, I realized it was different than the one we had before.  She had a mini button before and now she has a mic-key button. The mini one is smaller and has a lower profile so I am worried with this mic-key one that she will get it stuck on everything. I need to call on Monday and get a prescription for another spare gtube. I am going to request the mini one this time. 

I felt sorry for Tim's parents because I know they felt bad that it fell out at their house. I told them not to worry about it. It was bound to happen at some point. I'm sure it happens a lot to other kids but since this was our first time it fell out, I wanted to go to the ER. If it falls out again, I feel like I will be able to put it in myself. My doctor I used to work with said she would teach me since her son has one and she has put his in many times. 

Surprisingly, we made it through the month of January with no trips to the ER. We were in and out in less than an hour yesterday which was awesome. 

Here is me without my gtube in. Ignore my large thighs in the picture

Here is a close up of what it looked like. 

Check out my new mic-key tube. Again, ignore my huge thighs . I am happy this trip to the ER didn't end in getting transported to the main campus! Also look at all my teeth! I have 4 that are in and three more are coming in right now so most days I am crabby and drooling excessively. 

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