Sunday, February 9, 2014

Some pictures

Sorry it's been awhile since I updated.  Luckily, there hasn't been anything to update about. We did get our free Pediasure delivered to us...124 cans to be exact. We are very thankful of this service provided to us by BCMH (Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps).

We have been keeping Avery cooped up and we are all starting to get stir crazy. I did email the doctor to see if we could let her see her cousins or take her out once in awhile. She said yes about her cousins as long as they don't have any cold symptoms. She also said it was ok to take Avery out early in the morning or during the week but not to take her out somewhere on the weekends when stores are really busy. I am very happy about this. Avery misses her cousins so we are going to have them over this coming weekend.

I can't believe at the end of this month that Avery will be a year and a half old!

Here is my January Citrus Lane box. I got some Ouchies bandaids. Mommy says she remembers the characters that are on them from when she was little such as Little Miss Sunshine. I also got some wipes for toys/furniture to wipe all the germs off so I don't get sick. Another item in the box was a shape sorter. What's cool about it is that all the shapes are on a string so I will never lose them. My favorite item in the box is a cute Owl insulated lunch bag. Mommy said this will be good to carry my bottles around in once I am allowed out of the house.

I know I am popular but no pictures please

Mommy, why are you smiling at me while we are standing in the bathroom?

Look at all my food!!

Mmmm cookies and bananas

I love hanging out with Daddy

Sometimes I have to share my changing pad with Lily because she loves to sleep on it

Look at me in my Grandma sweater

This is what Mommy sees all the time now... She can't go anywhere with out me trying to climb on her leg

Napping with one of my favorite people.

The dogs really seem to like me when I feed them chips

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