Monday, March 2, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again...

The March of Dimes March for Babies will be here before you know it. This year it will be on April 26 in Wade Oval. The walk raises funds for research for premature babies and birth defects..two items that are near and dear to my heart because Avery was born early and had a cleft palate.

I actually started taking part in this walk when I was in high school as part of the Key (Kiwanis) Club. I hate to say it but it never really meant much to me up until 2 1/2 years ago when Avery was in the nicu fighting for her life. I am going to be on Hillcrest Hospital's team this year. I am excited because they are the reason that Avery is here today.

I like to participate in this walk because we took advantage of services provided by March of Dimes when Avery spent 4 months in the nicu. Every Wednesday night, Tim and I attended the family support meetings. Not only did we not have to worry about dinner that night (since Pizza and salad were provided) but we also got to hear everyone's stories and experiences. Even though everyone's story was different, I still felt a connection with each family. I do still talk to a few of the moms I met during those meetings. I feel like they are the ones that really understand what we are going through. We would also get little surpises here and there. For Christmas, we were given an ornament with our baby's footprint. They also had scrapbooking (all supplies provided) which I was sad I could never take part in because I think it was at 1:00 during the week and I was already back to work.

The only thing I don't like about the walk is the time of year they have it. Its always at the end of April and with the weather in Cleveland, who knows, it could be snowing. They KNOW there are going to be tons of babies and kids who were born prematurely there and who can get sick very easily yet they schedule the walk during this time every year. Last year Avery got sick a few days before the walk so she did not come. It was also FREEZING and I wouldn't have brought her. I am hoping the weather will be nicer this year so she can participate.

Here is my shameless plug. You do not have to give but feel free to go to the website to learn more about the March of Dimes. Click HERE to visit my March of Dimes fundraising page

Are you ready for some football?

Chewie said he is ready for some football

I made this card for Daddy for Valentines Day

Hanging out with Mommy

This is one of my favorite things to do at the mall. I love running down the escalators

Just a girl and her dog

Mommy is so sad this picture is blurry because it would be a good one of me hugging chewie

Chewie, you are the best dog ever. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

This is my best bud

This is my other best bud. Mommy and I have a lot of fun together.

This is me "petting" Lily. I am not that good at petting yet, hence the blurriness of my arm.

Do I put Fabio to shame?
(if you dont know who Fabio is, click HERE)

Daddy let me play with his new toy.. a Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Check out my new ride

 This is my other ride. No, seriously. Mommy and Daddy pull me around in the laundry basket.

This is our most recent attempt at a family picture. We are all there including Sophie and Lily.

Even though Scarlett isn't my biggest fan, she has been pretty good with me lately.

Relaxing on the couch

This is one of the stuffed animals I like. I sometimes point out his eyes, ears and mouth.

Giving the monkey some hugs

I love saving money, just like Mommy

A picture of my best friend and I 

Pushing the wagon around the house. I almost feel like Austin Powers in Gold Member, trying to get around some of these corners.

With Daddy at the Rain forest

Looking at the ant eater. They are so weird!

 Daddy, did you ever contemplate naming me Ariel instead of Avery?

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