Saturday, August 8, 2015

We have a Zoo

Avery has been doing well with her new tubes. She hasn’t gotten sick yet {knock on wood}. I’m a little sad that Tim and I haven’t really noticed a difference with her hearing yet.

Guess what, we are the proud owners of a new cat. Having one child, two dogs, two cats and 3 chickens wasn't enough I guess. We weren’t really in the market for  a new cat. Tim’s brother is having his girlfriend move in with him. His brother is super allergic to cats..and by allergic, I mean --even the whites of his eye balls get swollen--allergic. No joke, I have seen it happen. Anyways, his girlfriend was asking if any of her friends would take in the cat. I knew that if I ever had to get rid of any of my animals for some reason, I would really want them to go to a loving home..who wouldn’t, right? But what would be even better is if they would go to a home of someone we knew and then could visit them. So even though we weren’t looking to adopt  a cat, we knew it was the right thing to do.

Her name is Archimedes (medes for short), named  by her previous owner. She is two years old and is super cute. We didn’t end up giving her the best introduction to our other animals and she and our one cats got into a huge fight. I have had cats my whole life and have never seen cats fight like this before. They looked like they were going to kill each other. Avery was drinking a bottle while laying on her bean bag chair in the other room and she ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The cats looked like a tornado was flying by and they ran right over Avery, literally..they ran across her face. When It was all said and done, Avery had a few huge scratches across her face and we put the new cat in a cage. We decided that we are going to take our time introducing the cat. We put two big dog crates together and put a sheet over it so she could get some privacy. The dogs and cats can come up to her but nobody can kill each other. Its been almost a week and she has been doing pretty good. Today is the first day we left her out of the cage all day. I think her and Scarlett are going to become buddies and sit on the top of the couch and watch over the neighborhood.

The chickens are still getting so big! They will be 10 weeks old tomorrow! You can read more about them HERE

Here is where Lily and Medes ran over my face! It's ok, I am one tough cookie.

Mommy taught me to hold my hand like this and let an animal sniff me.

This is ranch dressing. You can't see it in the picture but I ended up smoothing it all over my hands and then doing hand prints of it on my tray, like I was finger painting.

Isn't my dog Chewie so cool!?!
I was so happy when my cousins came home from Walt Disney World. I got to play with their light sabers!

Mommy and I painted our piggies the same color!

Medes is so cute!

Daddy and Medes

Hey Medes, Chewie and I are best friends. So don't try to win him over by looking all cute

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