Saturday, January 21, 2017

Apnea Monitor/3 months old!

Reagan had an appointment with Dr Jeff from the apnea clinic on Wednesday. (Dr Jeff is a neonatologist and was there when Avery was in the nicu. Tim and I will never forget the day he came in and said “you have a gingy!” (redhead).

Anyway, I was really hoping we would be getting rid of this monitor but no luck. She had a brady on 1/3 (the day after she got discharged) and her heart rate dropped to the 50’s which is really low. He said he just wants to be cautious and have her wear it 3 more weeks. I had to go out and buy more sleepers that have snaps because I think we only had 4 in size 3 months (yes we are in 3 month clothes now!!) and that is pretty much all she can wear because the wires have to stick out. Fingers crossed that she will be able to get off this monitor and eventually go to daycare. She can’t go to daycare yet because they won’t take her with a monitor. Dr Jeff looked her over and said he is happy with how she is developing. She still has a blocked tear duct and has a huge head (90% on the preemie chart) but he said she looks good. She was 9lbs 5oz and 21.5 inches.

We are still trying to get Avery potty trained. She used to hate sitting on the potty so we started giving her stickers when she sat on the potty. After she got 10 stickers, we took her to Chuck E Cheese or Amazone.  So now she sits on the potty but wont go pee. We have tried bribing her by saying she can have a fruit by the foot, which she hasn't had since her dental surgery. Or she can go to Chuck E Cheese. Tonight we were deserate enough to say she could have a fruit by the foot and go to Chuck E Cheese. She sat on the potty but still didn't go. I would love to have her potty trained before she turns 5 in August but at this rate, I dont think that is going to happen!  We went to the store today and got her a potty that looks like the smaller version of a normal toilet. It is so cute and even makes a flushing sound when you flush. Hopefully she will start getting the hang of things. 

My sister is still connected to these wires and will be for another few weeks.

How cute was Reagan on one of her last days in the hospital recently??

Mama feeding Reagan on her last night in the hospital

I am so happy Mama, Daddy and Reagan are all home now!

Poor Chewie is still sad about Scarlett...we all are still sad about Scarlett

If you see me drawing, I am most likely drawing circles.  For some reason I love drawing circles

Cheese! Yes, I am holding a naked baby

Mama and Daddy took me to see Disney on Ice! I liked it alot!! I kept signing "more" during intermission

Hanging out with my BFFs...Reagan and my doll


Daddy and his girls

Mommy with Reagan..isnt she looking chunky? Reagan is

Aww :)

Poo Chewie, Still looking for Scarlett. Our new neighbors let Chewie come over and play with their two dogs :)

Daddy and I are ready to go play outside


 Playdoh is one of my favorites

Smiles during a 4am feeding

 Mama and Daddy say I am do good with Reagan!

Reagan is 3 months old already!

 Aunt Cari and Uncle Andy sent this to us in remembrance of Scarlett. We love it so much. Thank you guys!! This is awesome, was a great surprise and we appreciate it so much.


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