Thursday, September 11, 2014

First (and hopefully last) sickness of the season

Well it has been awhile since Avery got sick. That streak ended this past week. I picked Avery up from daycare on Friday night and she had a cough and runny nose. After a few days her cough seemed to get worse so on Monday I took her in to see her pediatrician. They sent Avery for an X-ray and sure enough, she has bronchiolitis. There isn't much to do for it besides breathing treatments. Her oxygen level was good at 96% so she didn't need to be admitted for oxygen. 

She was playing and acting pretty normal on Monday. We were going to keep her home from daycare until Thursdsy. On Tuesday, Auntie L (our friend, chuck's mom, who is a lifesaver by the way) came over to babysit. She normally babysits Avery on Wednesdays. Everything was going good until Avery developed a fever of 102.6. She said at one point it got to 103. Tim came home to see how Avery was doing and when he got home, she was doing her belly breathing which is usually a bad sign. Everytime she has done that she has gotten admitted to the hospital. 

Tim called me up at work and said he was taking Avery to the ER. I met him at Fairview. They said they have been getting a lot of cases of respiratory viruses so That made me nervous, especially with that new virus going around. We were seen and her oxygen went back and forth between 93%-97%. They did a repeat chest X-ray and a rapid RSV swab and then we waited. We were there a total of five hours. Normally Avery is in such bad shape that they just admit us right away so I kind of hand a feeling we were going to get sent home. The doctor said the rapid rsv test was negative and that her chest X-ray didn't look any worse than the day before so they sent us home and advised us to keep alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen for the next few days and keep giving her breathing treatments. 

We are still trying to get a prescription to get a pulse oximeter at home. You can buy them online but they are a few hundred dollars for an infant/newborn one. They have cheap ones you can buy in the store but the probe doesn't fit on Avery's finger. We have been trying for months to get a script. I am not sure why the pediatrician is so hesitant to give it to us. 

Since she ate a green crayon today, I am assuming she is feeling better :-)

I am not looking forward to this winter!

I am not excited to be at the ER 

Look how thrilled I am to be here 

Watching some tv with daddy 

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