Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hearing Test Results

I feel like I am in the movie Ground Hog Day...Avery failed her hearing test yet again. We were hoping the allergy meds would clear up the fluid in her ears. The audiologist said her hearing was a teeny bit better than last time but she still suggests tubes or hearing aids.

Tim and I had a long discussion about what we should do. Its kind of like damned if you do and damned if you don't. If we don't do anything she will get even more behind. If we do get the tubes, she could have all of the horrible side effects like last time and be even more behind than if we did nothing. We have decided we are going to try tubes one last time and hope that the first time she had them was a fluke. We are waiting until late spring/early summer to get them. We don't want to have her be in the hospital, for an elective surgery during flu season or enterovirus 68 or even ebola. It's just not worth it. I think if Avery would catch the enterovirus, she would pretty much have no chance since kids that that are 4 and 10 years old have died from it.

We realized that it will probably be 7 months before Avery would get the tubes so we are going to try to get hearing aids for the mean time. We know they are expensive and I am hoping her insurances will cover it or some of it. Due to her two great insurances she has, we have been sooooo fortunate financially that if it doesn't cover it, I am ok with paying, no matter how expensive they are. If something is going to help Avery thrive, it is worth it.  I put a call in to her ENT doctor to get a referral for the hearing aid evaluation.

A picture from the NICU reunion. We are in the front, just to the left of the double stroller.

The guy sitting in the front with the tie is Dr. Firas Saker. He is the head of the NICU at Hillcrest.

Putting money in my new piggy bank. I may or may not have broken my old piggy bank.

Mmmm chips

I love dipping food into sauces or dips. 

Me and Great Grandma
 At the bridal shower for my (soon to be ) Aunt Lauren. I am in her wedding and going to be a flower girl! Aunt Lauren, Aunt Terri, Aunt Cheryl, Mommy and me

I don't need no stinkin' spoon

For some reason, every time I have a bottle now I have to drag a blankie around with me

 I don't know if I ever told you but I just love my dog, Chewie. He is my best friend.

I love snuggling with blankets and my bunny in bed

Bye bye!

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