Friday, July 24, 2015

Surgery Day! (Part one)

Well today Avery goes for surgery and we are super nervous. It didn't go as planned last time so praying this time works out.

We were given the surgery time of 11:30 which is horrible because she could have nothing to eat after midnight and only clear liquids before 8:30. Tim tried asking them three times for an earlier time but they said they had you get kids that were before Avery. 

Tim and I kept her up until about 11:30 last night hoping that she would sleep in. She woke up around 9 and played with toys. She woke up after the time she was allowed to eat until so she didn't have anything to eat or drink since 11pm yesterday.

She was pretty crabby because she normally gets a bottle of Pediasure in the morning. We checked in around 10:20 and were taken back.

Seeing avery in a hospital gown is the cutest but saddest thing. Dr Hopkins talked to us about the surgery saying she will have tubes put in and ten they are doing a repeat ABR(hearing test) while she was still under anesthesia. 

I got to carry her back to the operating room and hold her while they put her to sleep. I was fine up until the point of walking out of the OR, having to leave Avery behind. I started to tear up. I know this is a simple surgery but it is still difficult to see your child go through something like this, especially when she is young and doesn't understand  what is going on. 

I was not happy that I couldn't eat anything this morning!

Mommy and I have matching wristbands. But I am small so I wear mine on my ankle. 

How cute am I in my hospital gown? 

Mommy got to come back to the operating room with me and held me while they put me to sleep. I cried when they put the mask over my face but I fell asleep pretty quickly.

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