Saturday, November 7, 2015

Busy as a Bee (literally..Avery was a bee)

We had a busy couple of weeks since I posted last. We carved a pumpkin, went to the circus, went to Boo at the Zoo, had a Halloween party at school, and Avery went trick or treating for the first time.

Avery LOVED the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. We bought a pretzel and cheese right before the circus started. The only reason I say this is because Avery had a piece of pretzel in her hand when the circus started and sat there with her mouth open, in awe, for an hour. At the end of the first half of the circus, she still had the same piece of pretzel in her hand. She liked the elephants the best. The prices there were OUTRAGEOUS for food/souvenirs. I was going to get her cotton candy but the only cotton candy they had came with a cheap plastic hat. I believe it was $16. I ended up getting her the most expensive snow cone she will probably have in her life..(well until we go to the circus next year).  It was $14 and came in a bowl shaped like an elephant. I figured she could use the bowl to put small toys or change in. The first half of the circus was about an hour to an hour and a half. Then there was a 20-30 minute intermission and then another hour to hour and a half. She was great through most of it but started getting fussy around the last 15 minutes.

Boo at the Zoo was good. We always go with my sister's family and her friend's family. You never see many animals but they have activities and shows and a few trick or treat stations there. Its always pretty cold and was this year too but Avery refused to wear her gloves. At least she agreed to wear her hat.

I took off a half a day of work to go to the Halloween party at Avery's preschool. All of the kids were so cute. They had a few, little game stations in her class and each parent worked an activity. I was in charge of the station where the kids got to try to throw rubber spiders in a cauldron. They would do each activity for a few minutes and then rotate to another activity. Avery of course didnt really want to participate in any activity. She did like the trick or treating part though. The kids walked down the hall, past different trick or treat stations and through the office. Halfway through, I started carrying Avery's bag because it was getting so heavy.  I was glad I got to come to her class though. It's amazing to see how organized everything is and its amazing that Avery knows some rules. The teacher told them to each pick a shoe to line up on (shoes cut outs were on the floor in a straight line) and Avery knew what to do. Later in the gym, they know to line up on a diamond and put their book bags down and then they can run around and play on the gym equipment. She knew exactly what to do. They also made some accommodations for Avery. When she sits at the table, they say towards the end of the day, she kind of slides down her chair and slouches. They ended up putting this little sticky mat on the seat of her chair so she doesn't slide as much and they put a wooden block underneath her chair that she can her feet up on(see picture below).

This was Avery's first year trick or treating. The other years she was either in the hospital or it was too cold and rainy. It took her a few houses but she caught on really quickly. As you know, she hates walking and likes to be carried but she was willing to walk up to the houses to get candy. What was funny (and I guess a little worrisome) was that my brother in law tried talking to Avery and she would hide her face but boy, she was not shy when it came to getting candy from strangers.(I am not looking forward to stranger day at Safety Town).  She was having fun getting all of the candy. When we would walk past a house without a porch light on, she would point and make a noise, like why can't we go to this house. We tried to explain to her that we could only go to the houses with the lights on.

Daddy, I don't really like carving pumpkins. I will let you finish

Mommy had a photo session with me one day. She took a picture and then showed me on her camera and after that, I wanted to pose and smile. Here are a few from our photo session
I decided to do the "hand on your knees" pose

This one I decided to lay down. Mommy thought I was being so silly.

Looking cute

Yep, still cute.

Hand on the hip pose

This pic was taken when I started to carve the pumpkin. Mommy didn't want me to get dirty so she took my shirt off. Of course one of the cutest pics she has of me, I am not wearing a shirt but she still wanted to share it. You can see where my gtube was. It is like my second belly button.

Waiting for the circus to start

This is the exact position I sat in, for over an hour with this piece of pretzel in my hand

Getting ready for boo at the zoo

I am a bumble bee

I refused to wear the headband that came with my costume so Mommy wore it(though for some reason I agreed to wear this crazy hat)

Riding the train

At this point it was cold so we took my costume off and I wore my winter coat....and i was inside a huge bubble

Hanging out with Kaitlin, Eddie and Aunt Janet's friends

Family photo

All bundled up eating some pizza in the back of the car

I had a good time at boo at the zoo

Hanging out with my best bud, Chewie

Playing in a box

Here is my preschool class

I decorated my trick or treat bag

You can see the wooden block underneath my feet in this picture

I am so little compared to the rest of my class

Eddie, Kaitlin and I before Trick or Treating

The first house I ever trick or treated at

How cute are Daddy and I? 

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