Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's a ..........

So I met with the genetic counselor on May 20. We talked about my age, possibility of having any genetic issues and then I got NIPT done which stands for Non Invasive Prenatal Testing. The name of the test was MaterniT21. They take a blood sample and screen the fetal DNA for chromosomal abnormalities. It can also tell the sex of the baby as early as 10 weeks. We decided we wanted to have the bloodwork done, mostly because we wanted to find out the sex early. We knew regardless of what the test showed(regarding chromosome issues), that we would be having the baby.  They said I would get the results in 7-10 days. I was soooooooo impatient but finally got the results on May 31. The chromosome screening came back normal.

Poor Tim and Chewie...we are adding another chick to this family!
It's a girl! So it will basically be 17 girls against Tim and Chewie (me, Avery, new baby, Scarlett, Sophie, Lily, Medes, and the 10 chickens!) I was a little sad to find out we were having a girl because of course I would want a boy and girl but then I got to thinking about it and I am actually excited to have another girl. I think Avery will be so excited to have a little sister. This baby can wear all of Avery's cute outfits (but hopefully she won't be wearing her old preemie clothes).
I had my nucheal translucency ultrasound a week ago. They measure the clear space in the tissue behind the baby's neck. If the measurement is over a certain amount then it is said that your baby will have a greater risk of having chromosomal abnormalities. Luckily, the measurement was normal for this baby. So far, so good!
My estimated due date is December 9 which is crazy to me because Avery's original due date was December 8. Hopefully I will not be having this baby in August. So far on the last few ultrasounds, they said I have been measuring a few days ahead but they are keeping my due date Dec 9 for now.

Sorry for the lack of pictures lately. I have pictures, just haven't had the time to post them. We have been busy (and exhausted) between the new pregnancy, putting an offer in on a house, the Cavs in the finals and Avery not wanting to go to bed until 10:30 at night. By the time Avery goes to bed, I am ready for bed.  We have been trying to get her to go to bed earlier but so far its not working out so well. She is clever and comes up with all sorts of things to delay going to bed. First she's hungry, then she's thirsty and wants juice, then she wants milk, then she points at her butt like her diaper is wet...she HATES having her diaper changed so I know she is just trying to delay the inevitable. I promise that the next post will include lots of pictures.

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