Monday, November 7, 2016

Reagan is 3 weeks old!

On Saturday, Reagan turned 3 weeks old (I would have been 35 weeks on Friday). Its crazy because it seems like I had her so long ago, yet I can't believe she is 3 weeks old already. Yesterday, they pulled out her nasal cannula and NG tube and it was the first time we got to see her cute little face without any tubes, wires or tape! Definitely a milestone that all nicu families look forward to. She has been all smiles lately and I try to get them all on camera.

Reagan is doing well. She is gaining weight and is now 4lbs 11oz so she has gained 1 pound in 3 weeks. She had her newborn hearing test and I am happy to say she passed in both ears. When Avery was in the nicu, she passed in her left ear and was referred for her right ear. The nurse said Reagan is doing really well. Her main issue right now is the random brady she is having here and there, otherwise she would be really close to coming home.

We took Avery up to the hospital the other day to visit her sister. Avery had been sick for awhile and there was no way we were going to take the chance and bring her to the nicu when she was coughing. Avery didn't have a nap that day and wanted nothing to do with her sister. I really, really wanted to get a picture of Avery sitting in the chair holding Reagan in her lap but Avery wasn't having it. Oh well, one day it will happen.

Reagan's nursery is getting close to being finished. We ended up getting a glider/rocker and I really like it.

Avery has another pre-op appointment this week since her surgery ended up getting rescheduled because she was sick. Hopefully she will stay healthy and end up getting her teeth fixed. Speaking of dental surgery, we just got a bill in the mail from University Hospital from Avery's last dental surgery for $32,000. Cleveland Clinic is denying it because UH is out of network. The only reason we went to UH was because at the time, Cleveland Clinic did not have any pediatric dentists so I had to go outside of Cleveland Clinic. Her secondary insurance, BCMH, won't pay if her primary flat out denies it. So now I have to write a letter to Cleveland Clinic disputing their decision to not pay and try to talk them into paying part of the bill. I believe even if Cleveland Clinic pays a small amount, then BCMH will pay.  What I don't understand is that we saw that dentist a month prior to her surgery for a routine visit and we NEVER got any kind of bill for it. Cleveland Clinic must of paid something for that visit so I will be mentioning that in my letter as well. Wish me luck because we don't really have a spare $32,000 laying around.

 Mommy and Reagan snuggling

Look how pretty our driveway is...Mommy says its great until its covered in snow and she can't drive up it.

 This was the day I didn't really want anything to do with Reagan

She is very cute though, must take after her older sister!

Mommy taking a family photo. Don't I look thrilled?

Reagan didn't get the memo that Halloween was last week.. She is trying to act like a pirate...ARRRRRR!

They put my school picture on the mantle. Doesn't it look great?!?

Reagan has no tubes or wires on her face!

Aunt Janet came to visit

Reagan makes cute faces like smiles...

..and kisses!

Aunt Lauren came to visit

Uncle Greg stopped by too!

So did Uncle Jimmy

and Aunt Laura!

My sister passed her hearing test. I am so proud of her.

More cute faces!

I don't think the money in my piggy bank would cover this bill...

Reagan's room is almost done. She will be sleeping right across the hall from me!

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