Monday, April 8, 2019

Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs

Our new chickens are finally laying. We get about 18 eggs/day. Also, we noticed most of are eggs are fertilized. You can tell because there is a "bullseye" spot on the egg. We bought an incubator and we are hoping to hatch some chickens. Its not that we need more chickens but I think it would be really cool to experience. It takes 21 days for the chickens to hatch. You have to keep the temp at 99.5 degrees and the humidity at 40-50% for the first 18 days and then the last 3 days you change the humidity to 65-70%. We starting incubating and  itss amazing that chickens can hatch by hens sitting on the eggs. Its crazy that they keep the eggs warm and humid enough. We dont have any chickens that are broody (sitting on eggs) so that is why we bought an incubator. 

Avery is so excited for the Easter Bunny. Everyday she says Easter Bunny and everyday we have to tell her she still has to wait a few weeks. We decided to color some eggs. We bought something called "Egg Mazing". It spins the egg and you hold a marker there and it makes a design. It is actually really cool. Avery and Reagan also wanted to hand draw on some of them. 

Avery walked up to Tim one day and handed him the ear tube that fell out of her She had an infection. Not sure if it was infected because it fell out of her ear or not. I have never seen one before. They are so small (see pic below). Reagan also had her first ear infection. We have an appointment with ENT next month to determine if she will need to have surgery to have another round of tubes put in.

We just got a denial for Avery's new hearing aid. I originally signed a form saying that Cleveland Clinic insurance will pay $3000 towards it and we would have to pay the remaining $3000 if her secondary didnt cover it. Normally if her primary pays anything, her secondary will cover the balance. We are going to send in an appeal but I emailed her two audiologists for help. It sucks because if she finally does end up getting her new hearing aid, it will be after school lets out for the summer. 

Reagan has been doing so well with potty training. She wears underwear all day (except for when she is napping and also wears a pull up at night). She moved up to a new class at daycare because she is doing so well. 

Here is the bullseye of an egg that is fertilized.

Here is Frank the Tank. He is the black one with the curved tail.

This is the tube that fell out of Avery's ear

Party in Momma's bed

Decorating eggs

Reagan's hair is awesome when she wakes up from a nap

Here are the eggs we are incubating. We candled them and it looks like 4 of them have something growing inside.

I told Reagan we were going to the mall and this is how she dressed

Everytime we drop Avery off at the Play place at the mall, she plays dress up. Last time she was a chef. This time a princess/fairy. 

I came home from work the other day and thought one of our chickens got out. Nope, just a wild turkey

Trying on their new nightgowns

Me and Aves

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