Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spending the night.. I mean nights.. At Fairview

On Tuesday night we received the call from Avery's pediatrician to go to the hospital. Avery's white blood cell count and her SED right (which indirectly measures how much inflammation is in the body) was very elevated. Dr Love called the hospital and we bypassed the ER and went right to the Pediatrics floor. We got Avery settled in the room by midnight and then they gave her a shot of Rocephin (antibiotic) in her leg. They repeated her labs on Wednesday morning. They said her WBC and SED rate had lowered but they were still higher than normal. Her temp was 100.8 this morning.

Dr Seifarth ended up coming to see Avery and changing out her Mic-key button for a Mini button. He checked the placement and made sure it was inserted correctly by using a syringe and pulling back some formula Avery previously ate. Avery didn't move or cry at all when that was taking place yet she screams when they take her temp or blood pressure.

Avery's mood seemed to pick up a little and she did not want to sleep. Tim and I are completely exhausted and just wanted Avery to fall asleep. She took about a 1/2 hour nap today but that was it. She might have slept longer but then they came in to change her gtube.

Avery hasn't pooped since Monday. That is unusual for her. She normally goes everyday. They won't give her anything to help her out until its been at least 3 days. I feel like part of the pain she is experiencing is from feeling constipated. I know she has been trying to go but she just can't. We bought some prune juice and pushed just a little (3ml) through her gtube hoping it will get things moving.

We finally got a diagnosis. Avery's respiratory panel came back positive for adenorvirus. Here is a little about the adenorvirus...

They decided to keep Avery for one more night to give her one more dose of Rocephin. We are waiting on the results of her urine culture and that would help if it would come back positive. I also refuse to leave until Avery poops. I feel like that is causing some of her discomfort. Praying everything goes well and she will get discharged on Thursday. I am thankful my manager and coworkers have been very understanding throughout this experience.

Here is my new crib for the next few days. 

They put this sensor on my leg so no one would steal me 

Hanging out with mommy 

"Eating" breakfast with daddy. I didn't really eat anything besides a few bites of yogurt. 

This is one of the times when I was feeling good throughout the day. I love playing with these cups. 

Check out my cool new bracelet 

I felt pretty good on good that I didn't want to nap at all.

Here is Dr Seifarth putting in my new gtube. 

There is it. It took him 5 seconds to change it out and then he checked it to make sure it was in the right place. 

Hanging out with my Daddy 

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