Sunday, January 25, 2015

What is wrong with us?

So it finally happened..I knew this day would come..we lost one of Avery's hearing aids! We went to Giant Eagle to do some grocery shopping and came home around 9pm and started getting Avery ready for bed. We took out her one hearing aid and went to take out her other one and it was gone! We shook out her clothes, we checked the car, nothing. While shopping we went up and down every aisle of that store. There was no way we were going to be able to find it. Avery was tired so I stayed home with her and Tim went up there to look. He came home empty handed. I kept thinking how we would have to pay $300 for the first one we lose and then after that it is full price. I told Tim I had to go up and look. When I pulled into the parking lot, I was praying I wasn't running it over with my car. On my walk towards the store I looked in the parking lot and didn't see it. I looked on the ground when I got in the store by the carts and I couldn't believe my eyes, there it was! I was so happy we found it.

So not only did we lose her hearing aid but we were a no show to her hearing aid appointment. Out of the 100's of appointments Avery has had, we have never been a no show! I felt so irresponsible. I just completely forgot about it. I still have to reschedule it. We just want to make sure everything is going well with her hearing aids.

Not much else to update so I will let Avery take it away describing her pictures.

 Taking baths is one of my favorite things to do!

I have this cheesy smile the whole time I am in the bathtub!

When I get out of the tub, I am not so happy. I do get wrapped up like a burrito though!

In this picture you can see how horrible my teeth are. It is supposedly just from grinding them. You can also see the fistula(the hole that looks like someone took a box cutter and sliced) in my mouth. I will be having surgery this summer to correct that. You can also see my pretty blue eyes and possibly a booger if you look close enough.

In this picture I am 16 pounds soaking wet, literally.

Here, have some oreo pudding

The oreo pudding is so good that my forehead and hair wanted to taste it

 Ta Da!!!

I liked making the monkey and dog jump in the water.

Lunch fun with Mommy! I would rather play around with her than eat my food

Daddy and I in da house!

I love this yogurt so much that I decided to put some in my hair for later.

I sometimes like to wake up and press the button to light up the aquarium in my crib and play lullabies 

My hair is getting so long!

I thought it would be fun to make mommy chase me at the grocery store. She didn't think it was so fun

Yes, I sometimes walk around the house with this plastic box on my head. That doesn't make me weird, does it?

Daddy got rid of his baby. No, not me! His 2004 Aztec. This car has been with him through the best of times and the worst of times

Lily decided my chair was a great place to sit. It is pretty comfy if I do say so myself.

Mommy kisses

 I love looking at myself when I brush my teeth. Don't look at my horrible hair in this picture, though!

Making faces

Who is that gorgeous girl?

More bath time fun!

LOL, I act like I am smelling my feet and then make an "Ewww" face. I do the same thing when smelling daddy and mommy's feet

Here is one of my best friends, Chewie

Here is my other best friend, Daddy

Mmm Fruit by the Foot. Fruit snacks is one of my daily staples

This is how I show Mommy and Daddy I love them. I point my finger. They tell me they love me and then I point like I am saying right back at 'cha. Mommy says even though I can't talk that when she tells me "I love you" and i point back that it melts her heart.
I love you guys and thanks for following me!

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