Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Birthday Surprise!

Avery had her 3rd birthday party last weekend. I decided to go with a farm theme, since we got chickens this year. Next year, I am hoping that Avery will be able to choose her theme. The weather was warm but it didn’t rain so I was happy. The kids had fun playing with the blow up waterslide/pool. (Thanks Cheryl!).  Thank you to everyone who came out for Avery’s birthday party. We were so happy you could all celebrate with us. Maybe next year we will have a bigger house/yard. I still can’t believe we have a 3 year old. The nicu days went so slow but it seems like the days are flying by now.
Here are some pics from my party!

Me and Grandpa S

Yum, look at all the food!

Look at the piggy balloons!

 Uncle Greg, Jenny, Aunt Terri, Aunt Lauren, Aunt Cheryl, Grandma and baby Makinsley

Grandpa and Grandma B

Aunt Janet, Uncle George and Kaitlin

The cool waterslide Aunt Cheryl brought over!

Todd, Cameron and Michelle

Cowboy hats!

Daddy, Chuck and Greyson

Family photo

Greyson and Heather

Look at all of the presents!

Check out my cowgirl outfit

Chewie and Scarlett got dressed up too

I got some cool clothes and awesome gifts for my birthday! My last gift was from Daddy and Mommy and it was a Big Sister shirt. Best present ever!

We are pregnant! Everyone was very excited for us. It’s still pretty early but we thought it would be a good time to tell everyone. We are only 8 weeks and due in the middle of April. We are nervous to have a repeat of what happened with Avery but are hopeful this baby will stay put much longer than 25 weeks. I didn’t get sick at all with Avery but have gotten sick a few times this time around.


  1. Congratulations on your big news! Avery will make a wonderful big sister. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy! I truly love your blog. I found it years ago when I was trying to learn more about preemies in nursing school. Plus, I am totally jealous of the fantastic pictures you get of your dogs! Take care.

  2. This is so heartwarming. Congratulations on being pregnant, by the way, and I have no doubt that your family will only grow stronger. Relish these precious moments as they're fleeting. After all, it may seem like it's only yesterday, and now Avery's 3. Wishing you guys all the best!

    Kathrin Trujillo @ Slides A Lot
