Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 116 at Home- May 3, 2013

Avery had an ENT appointment today. She has been having green discharge coming out of her ears so I wanted Dr Anne to see it. Dr Anne looked in her ears and said she couldn't even see the tubes because there was so much wax and gunk in there. She ended up vacuuming out Avery's ears. She said the antibiotic drops probably did no good because they couldn't get past all the gunk in there. I told her that when we would put them in that they would just pool in her ears and it wouldn't seem to go deeper inside her ear. She decided to put these little wicks(sponges) in her ears. They would help soak up the antibiotic and pull it down inside her ears. She said on Sunday that we can try to pull the wicks out but if we couldn't pull them out, we would need to take Avery to see her at main campus on Monday. She also said that eventually her ear tubes might need to be replaced if they don't seem to be draining everything like it should. I don't want Avery to have to go through that again anytime soon. I know she probably will once her tubs eventually fall out.

Then I stopped at CCF Independence to drop off some paperwork for her pediatrician to fill out. We are hoping to get Avery into daycare the first week of June. I stopped up in Internal Medicine where I used to work to visit my friends. I was explaining how the ENT appt went and then looked at Avery and realized one of the wicks already fell out of her ears! A lot of good that is going to do. I stopped by the ENT department and Peds department at Independence and no one would put it back in. I called Dr Anne's office and left a message. A few hours later they called back. By that time the wick in her other ear had fallen out. It looks like we will be taking Avery to ENT at main campus on Monday.

Hanging outside with Mommy today

My bff's JJ and Emily. These are Miss Becky's kids. I have another friend Adam who isn't in the picture. I get to hang out with them every Tuesday and Thursday!!

I'm just chilling in the living room watching cartoons

Outside with Mommy today. Don't worry, she kept me out of the sun.

Our whole family (except for Sophie and Lily) went for a walk around the neighborhood the other day.

This is after my appointment today. That thing coming out of my ear should still be in my ear. Oh well, something always goes wrong. I am pretty much used to it by now.

Hi :-)

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