Tuesday, April 30, 2013

8 Months Old!

Avery will be 8 months old tomorrow! She gets cuter everyday and always puts a smile on our faces. My sister and I walked in the March of Dimes March for Babies walk on Sunday. I saw Therese from March of Dimes, John Dixon, the head of the respiratory department from Hillcrest, and my friend, Sarah, whose son was in the Nicu for a month. It was great to see everyone out there walking for a good cause.

Avery has been doing ok since the surgery but she started to have white discharge come out of her ears when we are feeding her...so we are thinking it's possibly formula. She now has whitish-green discharge so we think she has an infection. We put a call into the ENT department and are just waiting for a call back. We have been giving her the antibiotic drops in her ears twice a day but she may need an oral antibiotic.

 Here are some pics from when my Mommy and Aunt Janet walked in the March of Dimes Walk

 Mommy went to take a shower one day and I stole her spot in bed!

 Mommy, reading me a story

Mommy's coworker, Doug, gave me this toy!! I am very interested in it. I can't wait till I can stand and play with it. Until then, Mommy pushes all the buttons and I listen to it and watch the flashing lights.

I wore this shirt for my Aunt Janet because she walked for me in the March of Dimes walk

 My buddy, Chewie and I hanging out

Check out my cute ice cream outfit (It's really pj's but I am going to wear it during the day)

My sister, Scarlett, giving me a kiss

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