Saturday, July 6, 2013

Doctors doctors doctors

Yep, I think I see doctors more than I see my friends and family these days. Avery had been a little sick since last week. At the weight check the doctor thought she might have heard a little wheezing so she said if it got worse to come back in or go to the ER. Last night, Avery would not stop coughing. I really contemplated taking her to the ER at 2am. I ended up waiting till this morning and made an appointment at her pediatrician's office. The doctor heard wheezing so they did a pulse ox on her and she was 96%. They then did a breathing treatment with albuterol and a nebulizer. What a nebulizer does is turn liquid into a vapor. It produces the vapor and Avery breathes it in. They repeated her pulse ox after the treatment and she was at 98%. The doctor said it helped her so they want us to give Avery a breathing treatment three times a day until she no longer has the cough. 

The doctor called Cleveland Clinic Home Care and I actually met them in the parking lot of CCF Independence. They delivered the nebulizer. Later in the day, my friends Deb and Sharon came over to show me how to use it. Avery did really well with her treatment. We have to give it to her once more today before bedtime. 

We will schedule a follow up on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. 

Here is Kaitlin, Grandpa and I on 4th of July. Kaitlin and I had the same skirt!

Eddie and I 

Family portrait :-)

My buddy Andrew and I

Daddy brought the laundry up from downstairs and showed Mommy. Surprise! I was in the basket 

Watching some fireworks in the back yard. Maybe one day my hometown will have fireworks again. Until then, I just get to watch what the neighbors shoot off.

I love chewing my bibs.

My buddy, Travis, and I. He lives in Atlanta so I don't get to see him much. He is only 8 months old!

Travis and I having fun... Buckets of fun

I love feeling the grass!

Auntie Sharon and Grandma Deb came over to help Mommy with my breathing treatment. 
Look how good I am doing with it. (The tears were from before the treatment started)

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