Saturday, September 21, 2013

Teeth + Shots = Not Fun

I know it has been forever since I posted but I have been a bit overwhelmed lately. So it seems the cause of Avery's diarrhea was a tooth coming in. You can't really see it since it's just starting to come in but boy is it sharp. Tim and I are going to miss her gummy smile. It's so cute.

She went for her one year check up this past Wednesday. Our little peanut is 13lbs 4 oz and 24.5 inches long. The doctor actually said she was proportionate. She still wants us to see this one nutritionist that she knows to see if we still need to be mixing her formula to 30 calories. Other than getting 3 shots and blood work (which was probably harder on me than her), the appointment went well.

She said it is really up to us if we want to get tubes put back in when she has her cleft palate surgery. She said judging by Avery's history with tubes, she completely understands why we don't want them. She said Avery has a lot of complications and no one (meaning no doctor) wants to put her under anesthesia because of all her risk factors and that's why they were going to do it during the cleft repair surgery. I understand why they would do it at the same time but what they don't understand is that Avery didn't really react like a normal child when getting tubes placed in her ears. Normally, it helps a child greatly but it caused nothing but problems for Avery. I am already going to be taking a week off when she has her cleft palate surgery. I don't have enough PTO to be at Main Campus 3 times a week which is what happened last time she got the tubes. We are going to ask to get her ears checked a few months after her cleft repair to see if that ends up helping the issue of fluid in her ears.

 We have a follow up scheduled with Dr Doumit on October 4 to see if everything is still a go. As of right now we are still set to have her cleft palate repair surgery the day before Thanksgiving.

Just this past week I have noticed that if I take something away from Avery that she gets very upset. We were at the grocery store the other day and she was sitting in the top of the cart and she wanted to hold my grocery list. I gave it to her. She started chewing on it which was fine but then pieces of the paper starting ripping off and going into her mouth. I took the list away and she had a tantrum. It was my first glimpse of what is to come. She is starting to get a little feisty and she definitely gets that attitude from her mama.

She still doesn't say any words but she is becoming more vocal. When she is mad she says mamamamama. She doesn't just say mama or knows what it means but she is finally beginning to say the sounds.

Chewie and I are ready to eat

Mommy came in the room the one day and I was reaching, trying to pet Chewie like this

I was playing with Mommy's shoes so she put them on me...then Chewie smelled my butt


Eddie and I

This was before the shots

Ouch! Two shots in one leg and one in the other

Playing in my exersaucer

I liked watching the meerkats at the zoo 

Mommy and I by the wolves

 Looking at the wolf. I was a little scared of it even though it didn't move.

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