Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Step by Step

Avery, who is now 21 months old, FINALLY took her first unassisted step yesterday. Of course I was in the kitchen and Tim was playing with her. I knew she was close and I told Tim about an hour earlier that Avery stood up and was sooooo close to taking a step towards me.

I took Avery to Stearns Farm in Parma this past weekend. I used to go there when I was little. It was fun to show Avery all of the animals and one day, she will get to feed them. They sell carrots for $.25 and ice cream cones filled with Cheerios for $.50.  I didn't really trust her trying to feed the ice cream cone to the goats. I was scared they would bite her fingers off so I was the one that got to feed them . She did have a good time though and got to see goats, turkeys, horses, miniature ponies, chickens and ducks.

Giddy up little doggy

Chewie loves it when I almost poke him in the eye

I am not fond of the new tunnel. Lily loves it though. Right after mommy took this picture she jumped inside.

me and my daddy

I was pointing at Daddy while he did yard work

Then we took a break in the hammock.

We got to feed the chickens. Mommy says when we move we can get chickens.

The only way I would cooperate and sit on this bench was if I was allowed to hold the ice cream cones..the cones were full of cheerios to feed the animals but I may have dumped them over.

Mommy and I by the lake at Stearns

I am wearing cute jammies. They say Whaley Sleepy

Trying to annoy Chewie and grab his face but this screen is protecting him

I learned to ring the bell like Chewie does

Hey Chewie, look at Daddy out there.

The dogs were being my friend because I was holding treats

I have been getting breathing treatments twice a day, every day. I now take pulmicort and albuterol. Sometimes I am good and hold it in my mouth but most days I don't like it. Mommy and Daddy normally give it to me while I am eating a bottle so I am distracted.

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