Saturday, October 24, 2015

A day full of 1sts!

I had a  3 week follow up with my doctor on Monday regarding the D&C. Everything was good. He recommends we wait two cycles before trying to conceive. The results were not in yet of the chromosome test for the baby.

On Thursday, we experienced a lot of firsts.

1.       Avery had her first field trip! Tim and I took the day off of work and went with her class to Luther Farm in Richfield, OH ( ). I think all of the kids liked it. It was $6.50 a person and it included a hay ride, seeing the animals (turkey, chicken, cow and calf, llama, ducks, bunnies, pig and little piglets), a pumpkin cannon, snack, and craft. Each child got to take home a mini pumpkin, apple and caramel apple sucker. All of the adults got to take home a squash or gourd. It was nice to meet some of the kids and families from Avery’s class. There is one girl who is just as small, if not smaller, than Avery! We found out she was a preemie too.

2.       We had parent/teacher conferences with Avery’s teacher. It’s hard to believe Avery is old enough to have a real parent/teacher conference. It definitely makes me feel old. They pretty much said what we already knew. She is shy and timid but then warms up. They said her shyness does seem to be improving. We did find out that her safe place in the class was standing at the sand table. They said she always liked it and could always be found over there. We told them that we have seen a huge increase in the amount of babbling Avery is doing now compared to 2 months ago. The speech teacher gave us some activities/suggestions we can do at home. The speech teacher says Avery starts babbling when they are walking down to speech class but once they get into class, she doesn’t really vocalize besides saying yes and shaking her head no. They said during speech, she used to just sit and watch the teacher play with the toys. But now Avery plays with them and is slowly getting more comfortable. Overall, I think the conference went well.

3.       We found out the results of the chromosome test. Everything came back normal so the baby wouldn’t have had a chromosome condition such as down syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, extra chromosomes, etc. We found out we were having a boy! Tim and I both had a feeling the baby was a boy. I feel bad for Tim. I know he really wants a boy and I am hoping this isn’t the only chance of having one. We need to carry on the Svitak name. :)  Before the miscarriage, Tim said he liked the name Kurt, after Kurt Cobain/Nirvana. I personally didn’t want to name our baby that. If it was a girl, I liked the name Emerson but Tim hates it.  After the miscarriage, but before we found out if it was a boy or girl, I told Tim if it was a boy, he could name him Kurt. So Kurt, if you are looking down on us, I am sorry you never got to experience what a good big sister Avery is going to be someday.   :)

Wee!! One of my favorite things right now is have Daddy swing me! Daddy is also one of my favorite things :-)

 More swinging!

 I was in a time out in my room and was very quiet. Mommy and Daddy came in to check on me and I had gotten into the lotion! Also, check out the cute shirt I made in preschool.


 Daddy came into our preschool class and helped me make a shirt!

 Here is the finished product...

I love to sit on the drawer of the stove. Its my new, cute, little seat.

School is in session at Kaitlin and Eddie's house

Mommy came into the room one day and I was sleeping next to Daddy. Aren't we the cutest?!?

Daddy and I at the field trip

Mommy and I. Don't I look like I was having fun. Mommy even asked me if I was having fun and I said yes. lol

Family photo

A cow and her calf. I am just learning how to Mooooooo!

This pig would not let mommy take a picture of her babies. Every time mommy tried, she would stick her snout in the way. She was actually pretty friendly.

Hay ride!

How cool is this tractor? I hope Daddy will have a tractor as cool as this one day

 Where is Waldo, I mean Avery? I am hiding behind the girl in the middle wearing the grey pants.

Mommy took this pic because there is someone is my class as small as I am!

Eating my snack
 Making a cow puppet. Yes, that is where I wanted to put the 3 spots.
Getting a pic with 2 other kids in my class. Don't they look HUGE compared to me? :)

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