Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 104 at Home- April 21, 2013

I went to the doctor after work on Thursday and it turns out I had pink eye in both eyes. My one eye is still pretty red so I am still using the drops that were prescribed and still wearing my glasses. So far (knock on wood), Avery has not caught it. I had to take off work on Friday because my eyes were so sensitive and tearing and I couldn't drive like that.

 I did end up going to Avery's feeding clinic appointment (Tim drove). Tim and I hate going to these appointments. We feel like all they ever do is yell at us. They said Avery lost weight from her appointment last week with Dr Peterson. I said that is not correct, that when they weighed her at that appt last week, she was fully clothed, including wearing her diaper. She was naked when she was weighed at the feeding clinic. Avery now weighs 10 pounds 2 3/4 oz. They said they aren't happy with her progress. They made a few recommendations, none of which we will be doing. These were their recommendations:

1. They suggested we try going back to using a special type of bottle. We are not doing this because she has eaten a whole feeding many times using the Dr Browns bottles. If we switched bottles now, we think it would just confuse her.
2. They recommended we tube feed her every other feeding. Tim and I are not going to be doing this. Avery will never learn to eat from a bottle if she is tube fed half the time. 

Tim and I don't like tube feeding Avery because she knows when she is hungry and full. She will eat until she is full. When we tube feed the rest, she gets very fussy and upset. It's like when you or I over eat and are so full and bloated afterwards. We explained this to the feeding clinic and say that she ends up using up all those extra calories being fussy and crying so there is no point to tube feed the rest.  Then they said that she needs to take in 540ml of formula a day and they didn't care when or how she got it(whether bottle fed or tube fed). I shouldn't say that we aren't following any of their recommendations. We all decided it was a good idea to start writing down her feedings, the time she ate, how much she ate by bottle, if we tube fed any and any other notes. They also recommended using a #2 nipple. We agree and are going to try this. The milk will come out easier so she won't have to use as much energy to suck it out and it will come out faster so it might not take her as long to eat. We will most likely have to pace her a little bit to get her used to the faster flow.

They wanted us to schedule an appointment in one week for a weight check. We put our foot down and said no. I am not dragging Avery out a few days after her surgery just to get weighed. Plus, I am never going to drive all the way to Shaker just for a weight check. I told them we would take her to the Independence FHC for weight checks but I refuse to do it the week of her surgery.

Someone managed to roll over at least 3 times on Friday and I finally caught it on video! (See below).

Cleveland Clinic will be calling us tomorrow to let us know what time we need to arrive for Avery's surgery on Tuesday.

I have been all smiles lately

Mommy bought me a new hat so I can go out in the sun in the summer. I actually didn't seem to mind it

My buddy, Chewie, and I on the couch

Mommy put these rattles on my wrist. I love to chew on it. (I am probably learning habits from Chewie since I hang out with him all the time..hence why he was named Chewie)

I got to watch a new Baby Einstein video the other day. I stayed interested in it for about 15 minutes.

This is me rolling over. It would have been easier if Mommy put me in an outfit that actually fit and my arms and legs didn't get caught

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