Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 108 at Home- April 25, 2013

Avery had her surgery on Tuesday. We had to get there at 5:30am. She didn't end up going into surgery until almost 8:00. Then they did the surgery and repeat hearing test. They told us she was done around 10:45. We then went back in the recovery room with her. She was really sleepy. She woke up for a little bit and the nurse gave us sugar water to feed her. Avery wanted nothing to do with it and she went back to bed for a little more than an hour. She woke up again, was given some Tylenol and drank about 60ml of formula. We were finally able to go home around 1pm.

Dr. Anne came in and talked to us after Avery's surgery. She said the surgery went fine and they removed a lot of thick fluid from her ears. She said the nerves in her ears were perfect but for some reason the sound isn't being conducted like it should. It stops at a certain point. She said it seems like Avery has mild hearing loss in her left ear and mild-moderate in her right ear. She said we are going to wait about a month to let her ears drain more and heal and then we will repeat the hearing test. At that point if she fails again we will most likely look into getting hearing aids for her.

Avery has been through a lot. She amazes us every day with how strong and brave she is. I am not worried if she ends up with a little hearing loss. She will learn to overcome it like everything else that has come her way so far.

This weekend my sister and I are walking in the March of Dimes March for Babies walk. March of Dimes was a big support when Avery was in the NICU. They sponsored the family support meetings that Tim and I would attend every Wednesday at Hillcrest. They also gave out Christmas gifts and unexpected presents throughout Avery's stay. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. Your donation goes to help out babies born prematurely and their families :-)

I decided that for my last supper before my surgery that I wanted Mommy and Daddy to take me to Carraba's.

Mommy, you better not give me pink eye the day before my surgery!!

No wonder why people hate these hospital gowns. I feel a draft

How cute am I in my little gown?

This was me when I got out of surgery. I was desatting a little bit but I didn't want the cannula in my nose. I kept pulling it out so the nurse decided to put it in a cup and point it in my direction.

This picture was taken a few days before surgery. Daddy decided to take me and my sister and brother for a walk. I think I look a little like the baby, Carlos, from the movie the Hangover in this pic.

I am getting so good at smiling!! Now I need to work on my laughing

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