Sunday, March 31, 2013

Avery is 7 months old!

On March 30, Avery turned 7 months old! It's hard to believe that we have a seven month old. Time has stood still and flown by. Her favorite thing to do now is watch tv. Yep, we are those horrible parents that let our 7 month old watch tv. She just loves watching the flashing colors and hearing the sounds.

Well starting on Friday night, we experienced Avery's first time being sick :-( She had a fever of 101, a cough and was very congested. She didn't feel good Saturday either so we gave her Tylenol a few times throughout the day. Today she no longer has a fever but she is still very congested and is coughing. I am very happy that when she was born we bought an electronic nose sucker because it has come in very handy these past few days. (Thanks Sarah G. for the suggestion!)

Avery's babysitter's family is all sick with the stomach flu right now so we aren't really sure what we are going to do with her Tuesday morning when Tim has to go to his business networking meeting.  Both sets of Avery's grandparents are still working fulltime. I would take off of work but I don't really have PTO since I pretty much used it all while on maternity leave and I am taking off on Friday to take Avery to her eye doctor appointment and genetics appointment at main campus. Oh well, we will figure something out.

We hope you all had a good Easter! Avery received so many cool things from the Easter bunny. (Thanks Grandma and "Grandma" Michelle!) I can't wait until next year to see her reactions when she receives gifts. It should be a lot of fun!

All snuggled up in the blanket Mommy won from the Parents of Preemies Day event
Being sick is not fun. All I wanted to do Saturday was lay on the couch and watch tv

Grandma and I on Easter
I was holding on to my basket

Look at all this neat stuff I got!

I went to visit Great Grandma today
Easter Family Photo

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