Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Day 2 of Water Being Broken (Friday)--32 Weeks

So I was officially diagnosed with PPROM..(Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes)  This occurs when the membraned sac holding your baby and the amniotic fluid breaks open before you're actually in labor. According the statistics I found online, PROM (premature rupture of membranes which could happen at 37 weeks+) happens in about 15% of pregnancies. PPROM (Preterm Premature rupture of membranes which happens during weeks 24-37 of pregnancy) happens in fewer than 3% of pregnancies. Some how, I always get stuck with the awesome statistics and my pregnancy was one of the 3%.

Since my membranes had ruptured the day before, their main concern is that an infection wasn't developing. My temperature would be checked every few hours to make sure I wasn't developing a fever. I was also started on 2 kinds of antibiotics.

On Friday morning, the nurse ran in and told me to flip over. She was trying to find the baby's heart beat and was having difficulty. Then she called in some reinforcements and there were a bunch of people in the room. They had me put on an oxygen mask and take deep breaths. They had me flip on my other side and still no luck. They said they were going to go up through my cervix and stick a sensor on the baby's head to be able to monitor the heartbeat. They did a cervix check and were going to put the sensor on her head but luckily they were able to find the heartbeat on the other monitor in the knick of time. They told me my cervix was dilated to 2.5cm.

My doctor came to visit me in the hospital. He said that since I am not showing signs of infection, they are not going to speed up the labor. They are just going to let nature take its course. I had been having contractions but I wasn't in active labor because they weren't consistent enough and didn't seem to be changing the cervix at all.

I ended up having another episode of them not being able to find the baby's heartbeat that afternoon around 2pm. It was so scary when everyone comes running in. Again, they were able to find the heartbeat in the knick of time. I was still only 2.5cm dilated.

It was so hard to sit in bed and pretty much not move during this time. Everytime I tried to lay on my left side, we lost the heartbeat. When I layed on my right side, I would lay on the catheter cord which was not comfortable. I literally had to sit in one position for the whole day. I was super uncomfortable.

They said the reason her heartrate keeps disappearing could be because she has less fluid to float around in and she could be sitting on her umbilical cord sometimes. They aren't sure but I am happy they were able to find it so I didn't have to get an emergency c-section.

Friday night my contractions started to get really bad. I was rating them a 9/10. I decided I would feel better with the epidural. They ended up putting it in while I was laying down on my side.  They don't normally do that but they didn't want to lose the baby's heartbeat again. Getting an epidural isn't fun but neither are contractions.

About an hour later, everyone ran in the room again. This baby was going to give us a heart attack. They lost the heartbeat again. This time everyone seemed a bit more frantic. They stuck a shot in my leg which I was told was to stop contractions. I had on the oxygen mask. They did the cervix check and ended up putting the monitor on the baby's head. Right before they were going to wheel me away to the OR for an emergency c-section, they found the heartbeat. Things then finally settled down a little. The nurse came in later and I lost it. I told her I couldn't do this for too much longer. I was so uncomfortable and had 1 hour of sleep total in the past 36 hours. I finally fell asleep for a few hours because the epidural helped me be more comfortable.

I didn't take a lot of pictures on Friday but here is a pic of Avery at her pre-op appointment on Tuesday, 10/11. She is having more dental surgery on Oct 27. I ended up going to this appointment with her and Tim (even though I probably shouldn't have). It was good to see Dr Love after almost a year! It was very cute when we were leaving. Dr Love asked Avery for a hug and Avery actually gave her one! I was amazed. :)

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