Sunday, October 16, 2016

My Water Broke

I was 31 weeks and 6 days on Thursday, October 13. At around 12:30, I started to feel a watery discharge. I didn't really think much of it because being pregnant and on vaginal suppositories, there is always some sort of discharge happening. (gross, I know).  I decided to make some lunch and take a shower. When I was drying off after the shower, I kept dripping. The discharge was clear and watery and very different than the normal discharge I was having. I knew it was most likely amniotic fluid/my water breaking because it was constant. I called Tim and told him to come home so he could drive me to Hillcrest. While I waited for him to come home, I packed a bag with some clothes, phone chargers, etc, called Hillcrest labor and delivery to let them know I was coming and then called my OB office. My OB office was going to put a message in to the doctor and then call me back. I said don't worry about it, we are on our way to the hospital. I knew something wasn't right and I didn't want to wait around for a response from the doctor.

During the 10 minutes I was packing, I went through a normal sized pad. It was soaked and the fluid wouldn't stop coming out. I put one of those huge hospital pads on (that are pretty much like a big diaper) for the ride to the hospital and sat on a towel just in case.  About 40 minutes later, we made it to the hospital. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic or it would of taken us longer.

We got to the hospital and were placed in the triage room. They did a swab to see if it was really amniotic fluid. They also put it on a slide and waited for it to dry. If it spreads out and looks like a fern, it means my membranes have ruptured. Sure enough, it was positive for amniotic fluid and my membranes had ruptured. Thank God we decided to come to the hospital. I was scared but I also felt comfortable knowing we were where we needed to be.

They checked my cervix and I wasn't dilated. They ended up giving me the first round of the steroid shots for the baby's lungs. They decided I was probably going to go into labor soon, sometime between Thursday and the next few days so they decided to cut the cerclage out. I was nervous of them cutting up there so I had them give me something to calm me down. They gave me nubain. They also started me on magnesium. The magnesium helps the baby's neuro development. I had heard a lot of bad things about magnesium:  it could make you sick and vomit, that you get really hot and feel like you are burning up from the inside, you get dizzy and light headed. Needless to say, I wasn't excited about it. I also wasn't excited about it because they insert a catheter when they give you magnesium because they don't want you up and walking around and hurting yourself. They inserted the catheter (ouch!),  gave me the magnesium and then transferred me to a labor and delivery room. The magnesium made me very hot. I had cool washcloths on my forehead. Luckily I didn't get sick but I did get double vision. Tim said I looked like I was out of it.

I slept horribly on Thursday night. I couldn't get comfortable especially with the catheter in, being hooked up to the IV, having a blood pressure cuff on and the compression stockings that squeeze your legs. I think I got one total hour of sleep the whole night.

In the triage area

Still in the triage area

Moved to the labor and delivery room. Everything is ready for the baby!

This room is HUGE! Its probably so big because they know when I deliver, I will need a lot of specialists in here because the baby will be 8 weeks early.

Not feeling well at all :(

 I thought my diet was bad before when I was on the antepartum floor..boy was I wrong. I was now on a clear liquid diet. Look at all of the choices I get for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

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