Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 67 in the NICU- November 4, 2012

Avery had a pretty good day. She was still on the cannula when we went to go visit this morning. She seemed much more comfortable than when she was on the cpap. Her weight was 3 lbs 12 oz! We are so happy that she keeps gaining weight. The nurse said the doctor came in to check her cleft palate and at first she didn't feel anything. Then she said it was very small, almost like a hairline fracture. It doesn't seem to be as extensive as they originally thought which is great news!
Daddy is holding my hand

The pacifier is almost as big as my head! Some days I love the pacifier and others, not so much.

I still loving holding onto things. I am happy I don't get to hold onto my cpap anymore. Now I can hold onto my cannula.
Here is a video of me and Mommy from yesterday!


  1. So happy that she's improving so much! Did you guys get the softie we sent you?

    1. Thanks Leigh! Yes, we got it. It is so cute. I could just picture her walking around and carrying that with her everywhere she goes :)

  2. Sue...why no clothes today? Just curious...I had grown accustomed to seeing her in those adorable outfits. Hugs to all! Prayers, of course, continue. We love you guys!

    Terri, Brian & girls.

    1. They thought she felt a little warm yesterday. Her temp was 99 so they decided to take it off. She has clothes today :)
