Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 89 in the NICU- November 26, 2012

Avery took 15 ml from a new type of bottle today. It has a regular nipple on it but is almost like a squeeze bottle. Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy said that she seems to be doing really well with that type of bottle. She is now 4 lbs 14oz. She is going to be 5 lbs before we know it.

The doctor said he would like to do the sleep study tomorrow. The test will measure her breathing while sleeping and also monitor her brain activity. They are trying to figure out if the reason for her desats is due to her brain activity.
Here is a little more about the sleep study
Polysomnogram. This test records several body functions during sleep, including brain activity, eye movement, oxygen and carbon dioxide blood levels, heart rate and rhythm, breathing rate and rhythm, the flow of air through your mouth and nose, snoring, body muscle movements, and chest and belly movement.

The doctor would also like to perform a swallow test at the end of this week or beginning of next week. They will have Avery swallow a barium solution and they will be able to see what happens to the formula when she swallows, if she has reflux, aspirates, etc. You can learn more about the test by clicking this link:

Tim and I have a meeting with Dr Jeff(the neonatologist), the Social Worker, and Physical Therapist/Occupational Therapist on Thursday. They are going to meet with us to discuss where Avery is now in development, where they would like her to get to and how they are going to help her get there.

Mommy is excited that I am getting so chunky!
I'm showing off my guns in this picture