Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 77 in the NICU- November 14, 2012

Avery had a pretty good day today. She did have a few desats when I was holding her. She also was pretty uncomfortable most of the night because I think she really had to poop but couldn't. They said she had been pretty gassy all day and her belly probably hurt. I spoke with the nurse and she said they didn't try to bottle feed her today. They just dipped her pacifier in the formula and let her suck on that. They said the last time they tried to bottle feed her, that she was good at trying to suck and she would get milk in her mouth but not swallow it so they are just going to move slowly with the bottle feeding. She is still 4lbs 4.5oz.

We had our family support meeting tonight and there was a couple there that had their baby at 23 weeks and so far, their baby is doing well and was born at 1 lb 6oz.  It makes me feel actually lucky that we had her at 25 weeks.

This is probably when I was desatting while hanging out with Mommy.
I like snuggling with Mommy.
I am so excited because I got cute frog jammies on!

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