Monday, September 12, 2016

Hospital Bed Rest - Day 1

So today I was admitted to the hospital for bedrest. I was originally doing great after the cerclage but I went in for an ultrasound a little over a week ago and my cervix had shorterned to 1.1 cm and the baby was pushing on the cerclage. At the time, the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor put me on bed rest at home. I had an appointment a few days later with my regular OB and we discussed the advantages of hospital bed rest and he said he would talk it over with my MFM doctor. My doctor, Tim and I decided hospital bed rest for a few weeks was for the best. The plan is to keep me here around 3 weeks, until I get to 30 weeks, and then reevaluate me and come up with a new plan.

They hooked me up to some monitors when I got here and was having a few minor contractions. The doctor then did a cervix check. That wasn't so fun. She basically sticks her finger(s) up you to check on the status of your cervix. She said she felt my cerclage stitches and could feel that the cervix was closed but about 60% effaced. Effaced is when the cervix is thinning out. They weren't concerned with it because you can be effaced for weeks before giving birth.  The did an ultrasound and the baby is currently breached. They aren't concerned with that either because she has plenty of time to flip around. The nurse tried to put a positive spin on it and said well since she is breached, her head isn't constantly putting pressure on my cervix/cerclage so thats a good thing.

I ended up getting the first steroid shot to help the baby's lungs develop and will get the second one 24 hours later. Let me tell you, it hurts more than the progesterone shots and those aren't fun either. I also got a flu shot and a tdap (tetanus/pertussis). I got those all on the left side of my body (steroid shot is right above the butt like a progesterone shot) and I also have an IV started (just in case) on my left hand/arm.  Needless to say, I will not be sleeping on that side tonight.

The room isn't too bad. Luckily, all of the antepartem rooms are private so its nice to not have an annoying roommate. If I wanted to share a room with someone that snored, I could sleep at home..j/k Tim. There is also a couch/pull out bed, a little desk area, a bathroom/shower and a mini fridge. I do not have any food restrictions so I can eat whatever I want.

My first few days here I am going to be working on making a few photo books from Shutterfly. I have coupon codes for two free books so that will occupy me for awhile. I always complain to Tim that I never have time to do them or get my pictures organized so this is the perfect time.

I will try to post an update once a day to tell you how fun it is to be on bed rest. So far, it hasn't been that bad but it also hasnt been relaxing. People are in and out of the room all the time..Nurses, Medical Assistants, Housekeeping, Room Service, etc. I also have only been here for like 6 hours so in two weeks, I will probably have a different outlook on things. Until then, let's keep this baby cooking.

This is what my room looks like



My view for the next 3 weeks

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