Friday, September 23, 2016

Hospital Bed Rest - Day 12

Today I am 29 weeks! I had an ultrasound to check the grow of the baby. They believe she is 2lbs 13oz and in the 31st percentile. They said she looks perfect so far. They also said my cerclage is still in place and that my cervical length is holding steady at 8mm. There is not much change from last week which is good news.We didn't get any great pictures from the ultrasound because the baby kept moving and at one point had her legs over her head.

Avery's primary nicu nurse, Lorina, came to visit me today. She no longer works in the nicu and is now a clinical analyst. She actually works in the building I work at in Beachwood so I randomly pass her in the halls sometime. It was nice of her to come visit and catch up.

Dr Peterson came to visit today too. She is a neonatalogist that was there when Avery was in the nicu. She is  also head of the nicu follow up clinic that Avery attended yearly after getting out of the nicu. They have neonatatology come to visit antepartum moms, letting them know what would happen with the baby should they deliver today. She said if the baby was delivered at 29/30 weeks, it would get a line through its belly button like Avery had when she was born. They can draw blood through it or give medications. She said if the baby was born at 32 weeks, they do a normal IV and 99% of the time, the baby wouldn't need to be intubated. She also asked how Avery has been doing.

I went to Art Therapy today. We made pea pod necklaces and had some extra time at the end and I made a bracelet. My bracelet has an "A" charm for Avery and another initial on it for the new baby and also a dragonfly charm. I'm not sure why I like dragonflies so much but I do. Art Therapy was fun. I will be back next Friday to decorate a onesie.

I asked for the nurse to weigh my yesterday because I hadn't gotten weighed in almost a month. When I first became pregnant, I weighed 98 pounds. A few weeks ago, i weighed 113 at an office visit. Yesterday I weighed 110 pounds. You would think I would gain weight just sitting around doing nothing but eating and watching netflix but I think since the food is too healthy, that I am not gaining any weight. Looks like I will have to order more chocolate pudding and ice cream.

Here is the ultrasound pic of Baby S. Not the best pic..You can see her head and nose and then she is a little squished. I'm surprised we even got that picture because this baby pretty much never stops moving around.

 29 weeks!

Belly is getting big!

How cute is this? The peas stand for Avery and the new baby. I got to choose any color but Avery's birthstone is green and who knows when this baby is going to be born so I just made them both the same color. The necklace looks really cute when I am wearing it.

Look at all the fun jewelry making supplies!

Here is the bracelet I looks really cute in real life. Notice how I didn't include the new baby's initial in the picture...sorry Janet!

How cute are these? Now i need ideas to decorate the onesie for next week :)

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