Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hospital Bed Rest - Days 6 and 7

Not much happened yesterday so I decided to combine yesterday and today's update. I was surprised with flowers getting delivered today. Thank you Jimmy and Laura! They make my room look so much brighter. I also had a lot of visitors today! Thanks for coming Sharon, Michelle, Todd, Cameron, Sarah, Mike and Luke! And thanks for the candy and book! I also got to see Avery and Tim so today was a good day! Nothing new happened except they came into my room this morning at 5:45am to get bloodwork for a Type and Screen. They just did it a few days ago. I asked why they do it so often and its because the antibodies in your blood can change. They say should I need a blood transfusion, they would want to be prepared. So I guess I have that to look forward to every 3 days..hopefully they will not always come at 5:45am. I understand coming early but I think 5:45 is a little ridiculous. I seem to be having more Braxton Hicks contractions but they aren't painful, just noticeable with the tightening in my stomach. Nobody is concerned about it because they don't hurt and they were very random.

I don't remember if I told you or not but we got all new windows in our house this week. I cannot wait to see them when I get home. You know you are getting old when you get excited about new windows.

Avery has her 4 year check up tomorrow. She hasn't seen her pediatrician in close to a year because she was on maternity leave last year when we came in. I wonder what she is going to say about Avery.

Getting my morning NST

I got flowers today! They smell so good too! Thanks Jimmy and Laura

They brought the sewing machine in my room the other day..I may try to tackle that tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Avery loves to climb to the top of the bed and then jump and slide down

Catching up

Mommy misses you, Avery!

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