Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hospital Bed Rest - Day 2

I kept myself occupied today. I worked on my Shutterfly photo book, answered some work emails, read some pages in a fun book (Tim always makes fun of me and says no books are fun), watched some tv and am now working on the blog.

I got my second round of steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop. I also got my flu shot. (I thought I got it yesterday but that was just the tdap). They started me on iron because my iron was a little low and they started me on vaginal progesterone suppositories. Dr Rao, my regular OB, stopped in to see how I was doing. He said he doesn't know if the vaginal suppositories are going to help but they aren't going to hurt anything so why not. I am willing to try anything to keep this baby in as long as possible.

I didn't get to sleep until 3:30 am this morning. At home, I sometimes take a unisom to help me sleep because I have trouble trying to sleep when I am pregnant and unisom is safe to take when pregnant. I just could not fall asleep. So I tried to take a nap today and people were coming in the room every 15-20 minutes. At 7am its the change of shifts so both nurses will come in..then a little later the nursing assistant comes in to take vitals..then the doctors do their rounds, then Room Service delivered my food, then the lactation consultant came in (yes, even though I technically still have 13 weeks to go), then housekeeping came in and then the holistic support lady came in. She is going to come to my room and give me a reiki treatment tomorrow. Reiki is a form of "energy healing" where a guide places their hands over you and guides energy to help you relax, relieve pain, and help heal your body. Its supposed to be good for pregnant women so what the heck, what do I have to lose. Click HERE for a little more about Reiki.

I did get some fun visitors today though. Some volunteers came around with a pastry tray from Executive Caterers and cups of tea. Then there was a delivery of a prayer shawl someone made from St Cosmas and Damien Parish. But the best visitors of the day were Tim and Avery! I was excited to see them. I have only been gone a day but I missed them a lot. It was good to see them, even though Avery ate some of every snack i had. She had parts of a brownie, vanilla pudding, a granola bar, a banana and some goldfish! I think she was only here a little over an hour!

Hoping I will get some rest tonight. Here are some pics from today.


My lunch from today..of course I didnt eat the chicken.

My dinner from today. I got the brownie and pudding for Avery :)

Here is the prayer and prayer shawl they dropped off.

Hanging out with Mommy in bed

Some cute little girl decided to eat my pudding!

I forgot to tell you that Tim called yesterday super excited. One of our Easter Egger chickens finally laid their first egg..its greenish blue! (Tim says it looks a lot bluer in real life). Yes its a little oblong but sometimes when chickens first start laying, they have weird shaped eggs. I wonder what colors the other two easter eggers will lay.

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