Friday, September 30, 2016

Hospital Bed Rest - Days 17,18 and 19

Sorry, I didn't have a lot to post the past few days. Well, here I am, still on hospital bed rest. I am 30 weeks today! I never thought I would make it this far. I was supposed to possibly be going home today but if you know Tim and I, you know nothing ever goes as planned for us....seriously, it doesn't.

I started off the morning getting hooked up to the non-stress test and I was having a lot of contractions. They weren't painful but some of them were noticeable and some I didn't even feel. The doctor decided to manually check my cervix, which by the way, is never fun. She said the cervix was closed/not dilated and is the same as when I was admitted a few weeks ago. She then sent me down for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that there hasn't been any changes since last week, which is good. The cerclage is still holding in place, the baby looked good and the cervix length was still about 7-8mm. The ultrasound tech said she could see hair on our baby's head. I wonder if she has red hair like Avery??

After I got back from the ultrasound and ate lunch, I was then hooked up to the monitor for 3 hours. I continued to have contractions.  The doctor decided to start me on procardia, 10mg, 3 times a day. I, of course, decided to google procardia and it said that its used to help calm the uterus down and can be used for high blood pressure. I am nervous taking it because my blood pressure always runs low so I am scared it will make it even lower. The doctor wants me to use the medication for a day or two to see if it works and if it does, I will most likely be able to go home and be on bed rest.  She said I was having contractions but wasn't in labor, that my uterus is just irritable. I took one dose of procardia and so far it hasn't made me lightheaded or anything. My next dose isn't until 12:30 am so it sucks I have to get woken up to take it.

Avery and Tim came to visit today :)

YAY, I made it to 30 weeks! Next goal is 32!

Being hooked up to a monitor for close to 3 hours isn't fun

Sorry, for some reason its not letting me turn this pic around. Just tilt your head to the right and you will see the baby with her mouth open a little bit and her hand up.

Avery doing what she does best when she comes to visit..eating all my snacks!

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