Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 48 in the NICU- October 16, 2012

Avery's hematacrit is down to 28, meaning her red blood cells are low. They are going to start her on EPO injections again and increase her iron. Hopefully the EPO injections will work and she won't need another blood transfusion. They also increased her feeds to 14ml every two hours.

I found my fingers again. Instead of just sticking my thumb in my mouth, I decided to see just exactly how many fingers I could fit in there this time.
Since I am so good at impressions (remember the Urkel one??) I decided to do my McCaulay Caulkin "Home Alone" impression.


  1. Sue, you're so creative! Loving the blog! Seriously though, prayers continuing. Love you guys!

