Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 57 in the NICU- October 25, 2012

Avery is 8 weeks old today!
Avery had a pretty good day. She had a few bradys but she came right out of them on her own. She is still gaining weight and is now 3 pounds 3 oz. A few days ago the nurse and I were talking about pictures and she had a suggestion of me bringing in a disposable camera and leaving it there. When Avery does something cute (which is always!) the nurses can take a picture so we don't miss anything while we are away from her. I am going to bring in the camera tomorrow. I can't wait to see the pictures we will get. I am also going to take in some clothes for Avery. The nurse said they can't guarantee they won't get lost but I will give them a list of what we bring in. We received so many cute outfits and I can't wait for her to wear them!
I didn't want to show my face today but I did want to show off my meaty arms!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful to see Avery doing so well!! She really is getting big and is so adorable! I wanted to suggest that you could put her initials on the tags of her clothes, that way they hopefully find there way back!! Keep up the good work baby Avery!!
